

1、He's always assuming official AIRS.『5words』

2、and assuming such an automatic messenger,『6words』

3、take another's place by assuming(counterfeiting)his name『6words』

4、1.[Formal] rude; impertinent; assumptive; assuming; 2.irreverently『6words』

5、That's assuming you can get a room.『7words』



6、capacity to enjoy rights and assuming obligations『7words』

7、We're assuming you've got Cygwin installed and configured.『8words』

8、I'm assuming you've tried to reschedule your rehearsals.『8words』

9、Enter the following assuming FAP was installed in the default located.『11words』

10、I will begin by assuming you have Erlang installed on your system.『12words』



11、We are assuming to save around Rs 500 from this economy of scale.『13words』

12、Evelyn Wood's "walking encyclopedia" of a professor was probably a skimmer too, assuming he existed.『15words』

13、Needless to say, I felt very embarrassed in assuming he had his dates mixed up.『15words』

14、The female students'achievement enhances in a big way in the standing long jump test, assuming the visible difference;『18words』

15、I am assuming the total mass of the bubble wrap is small compared to the mass of the jumper.『19words』

16、The response for one could end up in the other, assuming the two clients didn't clobber each other's request.『19words』

17、If you want the value of an element (assuming it holds textual data), you need to use the text function.『20words』

18、Their disposition to comply voluntarily will diminish as they learn that others are with impunity renouncing burdens they are assuming.『20words』

19、The UTF-16 encoding alleviates some of this penalty because each character is specified using two bytes, assuming no surrogate characters.『20words』

20、The modem is ready to respond to an incoming call (assuming a communication program is also ready to handle the call).『21words』



21、Responsible of assuming Party b's all the lost and casualties due to suffering of the claim indemnity that proposed by foreign importer.『22words』

22、Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre, assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves, she married him.『24words』

23、Hedging through bond insurers, whose finances grew shaky as the crisis spread, was calculated twice: once assuming the hedge would hold, and again assuming it was worthless.『27words』

24、The existing partition prediction algorithm predicts the partition time assuming that each group moves to the opposite direction, at the same speed, and with the same coverage.『27words』

25、Some boss are very captious Dan Yong at assuming responsibility, some boss are bad-tempered capability is very strong however, wait by no means an isolated case a moment so.『29words』

26、When two people apply for a patent on the same invention, the first person to have filed his application will get the patent (assuming the invention is patentable, of course).『30words』

27、Even assuming that a goal is truly worthy, it is an extremely broad overstatement to say that just because a certain goal is worthy, then whatever it takes to reach that goal is justifiable.『34words』

28、Novelty is threatening for some people, but assuming the environment is safe and there is not an over abundance of novelty in the environment, your audience will be seeking the novel and the new.『34words』

29、Moreover, the serpents infesting most of China, big or small, black or white, baring their poisonous fangs or assuming the guise of beautiful girls, are not yet frozen by the cold, although they already sense the threat of winter.『39words』

30、Mere conformity to law as such (without assuming any particular law applicable to certain actions) serves as the principle of the will, and it must serve as such a principle if duty is not to be a vain delusion and chimerical concept.『42words』

