1、 This company leases out property.『6words』
2、Perhaps nobody signed leases at the Lorelei.『7words』
3、If so, getting leases can be trickier.『7words』
4、Energetically developing financing leases,promptly perfecting leasing system;『7words』
5、News of the leases leaked out at once.『8words』
6、The firm leases an office with views over the river.『10words』
7、Those who refuse to obey might not have their leases renew.『11words』
8、And as leases get closer to their expiry dates, their value erodes.『12words』
9、Google buys, rather than leases, computer equipment for maximum control over its infrastructure.『13words』
10、The capitalized value of leases and leasehold improvements included in property, plant, and equipment.『14words』
11、Farmers are given 30-year leases (though often no supporting documents) to use plots of land.『15words』
12、The irony, Sauvant points out, is that the port leases were already held by a foreign entity.『17words』
13、But in recent years leases in America had become very expensive, and Exxon had turned elsewhere instead.『17words』
14、He proved to be an adept operator in China's murky property markets, adding low-cost leases in numerous cities.『18words』
15、Easements: restrictions, encumbrances, leases, reservations, covenants, contracts, declarations, special assessments, ordinances, or other items of a similar nature.『18words』
16、The purpose of the suit was to enjoin sale of oil and gas leases pending compliance with NEPA.『18words』
17、Rental payments under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a straight-line Basis over the period of the relevant leases.『22words』
18、Finance leases through a short period of time, low-cost funds to specific procedures and equipment to closely integrate a financial intermediation way.『22words』
19、Typically, GMAC takes back vehicles at the end of leases and sells them to dealers at discounted prices based on estimated values.『22words』
20、Operating leases represent those leases under which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets remain with the lessors.『23words』
21、Prepaid land lease payments under operating leases are initially stated at cost and subsequently recognised on the straight-line basis over the lease terms.『23words』
22、Everything must then be sold-the goods onthe shelves, the shelves themselves, the leases on the shops, the websites, the trademarks, you name it.『23words』
23、the selection of persons to whom leases may be grantee;the manner in which applications for leases of premises in its estates may be made;『24words』
24、Finance leases represent those leases under which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets are transferred to the Group.『24words』
25、If so approved by the Ministry of Commerce, investment companies identified as regional head offices are permitted to engage in operating and financing leases.『24words』
26、Land and Buildings in Hong Kong are held under medium term leases on the Basis of the rights of extension provided by the New Territories Leases (Extension) Ordinance 1988.『29words』
27、And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review. CET-4, 2005.6.『29words』
28、“for the residue of the term of years created by the respective Crown leases, subject to the covenants, conditions, stipulations, exceptions, reservations, provisions and powers contained in and reserved by the said Crown leases."『34words』
29、Machinery and equipment held under finance leases are initially recorded at the present value of the minimum payments at the inception of the leases, with equivalent liabilities categorized as appropriate under current or non-current liabilities.『35words』
30、Li Changping, a former township party chief who has become a prominent critic of the government's rural policy, says that by limiting leases to30 years the state is in effect asserting its control of the land over the village collective.『40words』