

1、those raping abducted women『4words』

2、The bank manager was abducted at gunpoint.『7words』

3、She was abducted by a dangerous psychopath.『7words』

4、Have you ever been abducted by aliens?『7words』

5、There are some times when kids are abducted.『8words』



6、Rumors swept the city that she had been abducted.『9words』

7、those selling abducted women or children to outside the country.『10words』

8、The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.『10words』

9、What's more, Ariadne was abducted before Theseus could confess his love!『11words』

10、In the Greek mysteries, Persephone, was abducted by Pluto, Lord of Hades.『12words』



11、Rumours abound that hikers in the nearby hills have been abducted and... well, who knows?『15words』

12、Foreigners have also been abducted, including a Polish engineer, an Iranian diplomat, and a Canadian journalist.『16words』

13、Earlier this year the archbishop of the ancient Chaldean church was abducted in Mosul and murdered.『16words』

14、Deputies say Vicente Ignacio Beltran Moreno abducted the teen at gunpoint and tied him to a tree.『17words』

15、The dogs for the festival are raised in households, abducted from the streets, or even poisoned, An said.『18words』

16、In this big fight, Linjiepuzi collapse, but Zhang widows, three too Zhu Lin Lin's deposits were simply abducted the boss.『20words』

17、Seated with him on his ebony throne was Queen Persephone, the once fair goddess of vegetation whom he had abducted.『20words』

18、those causing abducted women or children, or their family members, to serious injuries or death, or causing other grave consequences『20words』

19、those seducing, tricking, or forcing abducted women into prostitution, or those selling abducted women to others who in turn force them into prostitution『23words』

20、In the Ming Dynasty, Yingzong was abducted by Tatar. The courtiers elected his half-brother as emperor and the prince as the son of Yingzong.『24words』



21、The family of one of the US contractors apparently abducted in Iraq is hoping that Paul Reuben and four others will soon be set free.『25words』

22、The first time was a girl from Chengde who said she had been abducted. When she got home, her parents disgraced her and threw her out.『26words』

23、Q: Public Security authorities announced yesterday they had rescued more than 2000 abducted children. Do you think the child abduction problem is caused by the one-child policy?『27words』

24、Whoever buys an abducted woman or child and sells the victim afterwards shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 240 of this Law.『28words』

25、the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man's wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and against the wife.『31words』

26、 If you want to travel abroad, English can't be too bad. Otherwise, when you go abroad, you will become dumb, and you won't know if someone has been abducted or sold.『32words』

27、Japan wants to address the issue of its abducted citizens at the nuclear talks, a subject that the North insists it has settled after admitting to kidnapping 13 Japanese in the 1970s-80s.『32words』

28、Kassim "The Dream" Ouma is the 2004 IBF Junior Middleweight champion of the world, and a former Ugandan child soldier who was abducted into a rebel army at the age of six.『32words』

29、who fail to act at the request of the abducted or kidnapped women or children or members of their family or at information received from members of the public, resulting in serious consequences,『33words』

30、America and Japan have stood firm, pressing North Korea to give up its nuclear programmes( and, in Japan's case, to release more of the Japanese citizens abducted over the years by the Kim family regime) and withholding major aid until it does.『42words』


下一篇:concern to造句,用concern to怎么造句子(30句)