

1、The hillside was terraced.『4words』

2、terraced field with slope『4words』

3、They made a terraced garden.『5words』

4、There are lots of terraced housing.『6words』

5、The Incas terraced their mountainous land.『6words』



6、The walls of the craters are terraced.『7words』

7、Wide Plain of Ningxia lush, terraced rice paddies aspect.『9words』

8、The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific.『9words』

9、Spatiotemporal changes of surface water nutrients in Hani terraced landscape『10words』

10、They are trying to turn the mountain slopes into terraced fields.『11words』



11、Rice shoots in the terraced fields were greedily lapping up the dew.『12words』

12、Elaborate terraced fields climb the hillsides where farmers have grown corn and wheat for centuries.『15words』

13、Colourful terraced houses line historic Ribeira Square on the banks of the Rio Douro in Porto.『16words』

14、Report of study on constructing terraced field by machinery in middle reaches of the Yellow River『16words』

15、The land is lush and fertile, and the slopes are covered with terraced crops, meadows, and moors.『17words』

16、The Puhaindrans' home, tucked in the middle of a conservation block, is flanked by similar terraced homes.『17words』

17、They wouldn't last long in the fields where her parents coax corn, potatoes and greens from terraced plots.『18words』

18、It is going on three types of family house, namely a terraced house and left and right end corner houses.『20words』

19、It doesn't really look like a building-just some low stone walls abutting an ancient terraced retaining wall 60 feet high.『20words』

20、One learns different types of grasses, those peculiar terraced slopes, and the art of losing the trail and finding it again.『21words』



21、Two days later, British police raided a flat in a terraced house in west London next to one of the rougher pubs in Shepherd's Bush.『25words』

22、A permanent village or community of any of the Pueblo peoples, typically consisting of multilevel adobe or stone apartment dwellings of terraced design clustered around a central plaza.『28words』

23、Teenagers gathered on st Andrews Road - said to have been a preplanned destination - broke down walls on terraced streets so they could collect bricks to throw at police.『30words』

24、Proponents point to features such as the terraced "beaches" shown in one image, which could conceivably have been left behind as a lake or ocean evaporated and the shoreline receded.『30words』

25、This article discusses the southern migration of the Hanis in south and southwest Yunnan and concludes that the Hani nationality is an ethnic group with a typical terraced-field rice-farming culture.『30words』

26、In the spring of Wuyuan, the meandering rapeseed flowers blossom in the terraced fields in the mountains. Together with the Hui-style architecture of Fenqiang Daiwa, they constitute a beautiful Chinese ink landscape painting.『33words』

27、East route. Water will be diverted from the Jiangdu section in Yangzhou on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province via 13 terraced pumping stations and the Yellow riverbed tunnel.『36words』

28、Sunshine, rain and rain, let everything walk steadily. So, you look at the terraced, at this time still quiet, those faces facing the Loess back to the men, pressing the heart of the urgent, and still waiting.『37words』

29、Under the Auspices of the Student Union A lecture will be given on "How Entry into WTO Will Affect China's Market" by Professor Zhang Hongyi in the terraced classroom of the Classroom Building on Thursday, December 5, 2002 at 2:00 p.m..『41words』

30、When the mountain breeze is swift and slow, it strings through the plough pits under its feet, and in the terraced fields of the Dahe field, shakes vigorously the small mangosteen which is full of bamboo, making a long and short hiccup, as if telling the story that once happened here.『51words』


上一篇:concern to造句,用concern to怎么造句子(30句)