

1、Then there is the chants passengers.『6words』

2、Children love to sing songs and chants.『7words』

3、Prepare some short plays , songs, chants, games.『8words』

4、The crowd of thousands repeated the chants back.『8words』

5、Did the chants from the stands annoy you?『8words』



6、The chants were going on inside the Capitol, too.『9words』

7、The protesters were din ning their chants into our ears.『10words』

8、The crowd sung chants as they waited for the game to start.『12words』

9、For the westerner, all the chants may make no sense at all.『12words』

10、Will San siro once again echo with the chants of “per vedere segnare kaka” ?『15words』



11、It makes you wonder why we don't have more chants and songs for our sports.『15words』

12、Several of the chants on Shaman Dancing are based on the ancient Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language.『15words』

13、Power interrupts now affect chants too. So you can actually Power Block chants, or Power Leak them, etc.『18words』

14、This collection of chants from ancient Indian scriptures is simply the best you can get of such a collection.『19words』

15、Lightly, the small millenary town shakes off the dust of its history; Brilliantly, it chants a merry song of youth.『20words』

16、At rallies across the country, chants calling for Mr Assad's resignation have begun to drown out those calling for reform.『20words』

17、Under the command of the director, the soldiers shouted chants, lifted the heavy coffin and came to the treasure city.『20words』

18、Excited, all the people went into battle naked, shouting chants, pushing the pole, the chant, the crash, echoing in the valley.『21words』

19、The Bible contains the words of Hebrew songs and mentions musical instruments. Hebrew chants sung in the temple foreshadowed early Christian songs.『22words』

20、A Polynesian dance characterized by undulating hips, miming movements of the arms and hands, and usually accompanied by rhythmic drumbeats and chants.『22words』



21、The birds are captured at a young age, blinded, and held in a cage where they are accustomed to their master's songs and chants.『24words』

22、On Tuesday, I reviewed the songs and chants we have learned for the past two weeks and most of them were able to sing it quite well.『27words』

23、Chants the poem is a poetry theme big class, the late Tang chants the poem creation especially to be considerable, Front its quantity goes far beyond the generation.『28words』

24、The huge one-meter-diameter glow ball of Shengyan descends from the sky. Countless chants are singing endlessly, and the holy light is flying and the holy trumpet is blowing.『28words』

25、One reason for this is that musical notation for chants of this time did not exist, for at this time chants were an entirely oral rather than written tradition.『29words』

26、In this level, students' reading skills and writing skills should be improved by using many interesting teaching materials, such as stories, movies, chants, sayings, tongue twister and so on.『29words』

27、 Two or two carved dragons are sincere and precious, and two chants of snow are more exotic. Life does not know its taste, beautiful clothes, clothes, soil and ash.『30words』

28、Manchester United are to write an open letter to their fans in which Sir Alex Ferguson will appeal for an end to the chants aimed at Arsène Wenger whenever Arsenal visit Old Trafford.『33words』

29、Life is like a music score, there will be high and low, there will be chants and shouts, just because those low, high, clear and shout to write a beautiful and moving movement of life.『35words』

30、Come,said my soul, Such verses for my body let us write,(for we are one,) That should I after death invisibly return, Or,long,long hence,in other spheres, There to some group of mates the chants resuming, (Tallying earth's soil,trees,winds,tumultous waves,) …『39words』

