

1、远足、骑山地车或在树木间散步都能使人焕发活力, 其奥妙何在呢?『2words』

2、revert to smoking when under stress『6words』

3、Otherwise, they revert to graphite or burn.『7words』

4、Let us revert to the original subject.『7words』

5、To revert or cause to revert by escheat.『8words』



6、Eric can revert back to a prior change.『8words』

7、We'll revert to our BC calculator tool again.『8words』

8、I was soon to revert to these matters.『8words』

9、We also revert to old practices when we're under stress.『10words』

10、She dare not admit that travel must one day revert to being a luxury.『14words』



11、You can accept the incoming change, keep the workspace change, or revert to the original.『15words』

12、The only supported path to revert a migrated cell is to rollback the entire cell.『15words』

13、Faced with too many choices, they just stop reading, or revert to the sports page.『15words』

14、There's also a full revision history for each document, and authors can revert to previous edits.『16words』

15、What investors may be missing to their cost is that financial markets tend to revert to the mean.『18words』

16、The file extension does not match the input file extension. Do you want to revert to the original extension?『19words』

17、Eventually Mr Evans would have the Fed, which has no official inflation target, revert to focusing on the inflation rate.『20words』

18、Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness.『20words』

19、Reversion impact: When you try to revert to an older version, the following message is displayed, and reversion is cancelled.『20words』

20、If you structure a document as an append-only linked list, it allows you to easily revert changes back to previous states.『21words』



21、Note that ifconfig will not update the Object Data Manager (ODM), so on a reboot, it will revert to the previous values.『22words』

22、One question remains: Can sovereign funds institutionalize these lessons? Hints of a global recovery make it tempting to revert to the old status quo.『24words』

23、Best of all, our suggested changes would allow academe to revert to its proper focus on quality research and rededicate itself to the sober pursuit of knowledge.『27words』

24、With prices for tea and rubber falling by 50% in that period, UNODC officials note the huge temptation for farmers to revert to opium, the price of which has doubled.『30words』

25、Some revert to the letter of the Gospel law: Since these people have heard the literal words of the Gospel and refused to name the name, they are destined for hell.『31words』

26、I had to use ctrl-z many times in my editor to revert from a version where I thought elision was working and then for some reason, it just didn't work anymore.『31words』

27、“Hard steering. On a car equipped with power steering, failure of the power-steering mechanism will cause the steering system to revert to straight mechanical operation and to require a considerably greater steering effort."『33words』

28、A handful of genes that are normally active in the developing embryo are expressed in a differentiated cell, such as a skin cell, causing that cell to revert back to its undifferentiated state.『33words』

29、A user should be able to understand the differences among versions and ultimately choose to revert to any one of these versions, in which case, the current state of the document should be saved as another version that can be reverted to.『42words』

30、Critical to the effectiveness of a versioning facility is the behavior of the “revert” command. It should provide a list of the available saved versions of the document in question, along with some information about each one, such as the time and day it was recorded, the name of the person who recorded it, the size, and some opt『59words』

