

1、With mountain winds, and babbling springs.『6words』

2、What the hell are you babbling『6words』

3、Stop babbling and speak more slowly.『6words』

4、That woman's babbling is deadly/awfully/incredibly boring.『6words』

5、Anyway, let's stop babbling, here we go.『7words』



6、The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention.『8words』

7、The sick man is babbling of going home『8words』

8、They were all babbling away in a foreign language.『9words』

9、He's a brain, who wouldn't be bamboozled into assertive your babbling.『11words』

10、Like babbling babies, songbirds learn to vocalize by mimicking their elders.『11words』



11、As soon as the voice fell, a baby's babbling came from the hut.『13words』

12、The more positively you react to her "babbling", the more she will "talk" back to you.『16words』

13、Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, but babbling is ever a folly. — Benjamin Franklin.『17words』

14、Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates, such as pygmy marmosets.『17words』

15、Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am.『17words』

16、Other signs are hallucination, illusion, incoherent babbling, abnormal behavior, agitation and impulsiveness, hitting people and destruction things, etc.『18words』

17、Whether she's laughing, gurgling, or just babbling away, these sounds are a clear indication of a thriving bond.『18words』

18、Beside himself with happiness, the fiddler sat on Kunta's three-legged stool, fiddle across his lap, and went on babbling.『19words』

19、In my house, I have my room, my room is my private place, I don't have to listen to my parents 'babbling.『22words』

20、The old house in my hometown did not know when it was built. It only vaguely remembers the age of my babbling.『22words』



21、Every sheep eats his own food, and no one cares about him. He sometimes makes a babbling sound as if he were greeting spring.『24words』

22、He had awakened from his torpor altogether off his head, and was inclined to be violent, babbling incessantly about some boat-race on the Cam.『24words』

23、And yet, it will be many months before their own vocalizations (babbling) begin to reflect the characteristics of the different languages they are learning.『24words』

24、Lord, I've been to the mountaintop where I saw flowers of all sorts lining both sides of a path, babbling spring water and singing birds. That's a real nice place.『30words』

25、If you know that you have a problem with excessive ramblings then simply being aware of this can help you to stop yourself more and more often before you go off into babbling.『33words』

26、There was endless cooking and lifting and turning and fanning, endless hours of washing and rerolling bandages and picking lint, and endless warm nights made sleepless by the babbling delirium of men in the next room.『36words』

27、Sitting on the unexpected smooth rocks for a nap, there are pines on the sun, there are babbling streams under the water, in such a fairyland, there is really a sense of immortality, which is its endless joy.『38words』

28、 Kangzhi, who came out of the kitchen with a black tea cup, even forgot to put the cup on the table and listened so attentively. In the quiet living room, I only heard the babbling of fumigation.『38words』

29、 In order to attract customers, some of the big stalls in the street have moved the TV set outside. Every day, there are two-person duets in Northeast China on TV. The actors are singing and babbling. It is said that all the people inside are Zhao Benshan's disciples.『49words』

30、For this reason, if I come, I will bring to remembrance his works which he does, babbling against us with evil words; and not being satisfied with these, neither does he himself receive the brothers, and those intending to do so he forbids and casts out of the church.『49words』

