

1、We must enlist more men.『5words』

2、a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits.『6words』

3、He decided to enlist in the Marines.『7words』

4、And this brilliant film will enlist your sympathies, too.『9words』

5、Is it ever necessary to enlist the school's help?『9words』



6、The most efficient fix was to enlist Libya's help.『9words』

7、Many people enlist in the Red Cross drive each year.『10words』

8、Higher water costs would enlist market pressures to help drive... [More].『11words』

9、Sometimes it's useful to enlist the help of a trusted friend.『11words』

10、You may need to enlist the help of your nearest and dearest along the way.『15words』



11、If the sermon takes place at work and other people are present, enlist their help.『15words』

12、《Social security act 》integrity the enlist pays system and strengthened the enforceability that the enlist pays.『16words』

13、 Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?『17words』

14、The session had an active transaction when it tried to enlist in a Distributed Transaction Coordinator transaction.『17words』

15、One of the best ways to get new customers is to enlist the help of your current ones.『18words』

16、The conference will make further efforts to enlist the support of the international community for their just struggle.『18words』

17、Sam Walton absolutely loved to set bold goals and then enlist everyone in his organization to achieve those goals.『19words』

18、I knew that if I was to enlist, I would have a chance to see more of the world.『19words』

19、I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden!『21words』

20、Then there are also many matters in which the central departments would like to enlist the co-operation of the local authorities.『21words』



21、Bold Talent, knowing they would be too much for him, enlist her to hold the interviews while he eavesdropped from behind a screen.『23words』

22、At nearly 19,000 feet on Quelccaya's ice face, Dad decided to enlist his son's help, long-distance, taking pictures of birds and nest material frozen into the ice.『27words』

23、The state has made great efforts to train ethnic minority cadres and enlist their service. To date, there are well over 2,700,000 minority cadres throughout the country.『27words』

24、At this point, I may enlist others to help me assemble an alternative reality in which the critic is in the wrong and I am splendidly, undeniably in the right.『30words』

25、At the time of the revolution, one of my ancestors, who had refused to enlist in the revolutionary army because they insisted he cut his long hair, was forced to flee France.『32words』

26、The connection might be used only to query the database or might not be used at all, but the connection manager must enlist the connection anyway, in case an insert or update is performed.『34words』

27、I started to regret the day I enlisted for the army, and I remember that awful day when the Pentagon recruiters came to enlist us, and how I was convinced by what they said.『34words』

28、 When King Chu Ling heard of the internal chaos in Chen, he killed the envoy of Chen and sent his son Qiji to enlist his troops for the expedition of Chen. Chen Junliu fled to Zheng.『37words』

29、On January 8 he sent Chang Chun to Hankow to enlist the support of Pai Chung-hsi and on the same day he asked the governments of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union to intervene in China's civil war.『41words』

30、The duty of every Communist is to rid himself of aloofness and arrogance and to work well with non-Party cadres, give them sincere help, have a warm, comradely attitude towards them and enlist their initiative in the great cause of resisting Japan and reconstructing the nation.『46words』

