pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子(30句)

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子

1、Please pull down the blinds .『6words』

2、Would you please pull down the curtain?『7words』

3、These little thing, also can't pull down.『7words』

4、Will you pull down the blinds a bit?『8words』

5、Make sure to pull down your blinds at night.『9words』

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子(30句)

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子

6、Love your Neighbour; yet don't pull down your Hedge.『9words』

7、Would you please help me pull down the blind (curtain)?『10words』

8、1.to pull down; 2.[Informal] Never mind.; Drop it.; Forget about it.『11words』

9、From the pull down menus, select _kerberos for Service and _tcp for Protocol.『13words』

10、After selecting the version or operating system from the pull down menu, click Submit.『14words』

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子(30句)

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子

11、Jobs could open and close Windows, pull down menus, and see how the system would work.『16words』

12、I always have this wicked urge to pull down their pants when I see this "look".『16words』

13、Select the bus we created from the pull down list, and then select the corresponding destination, BPEApiQueue_WPSCluster.『17words』

14、It is not enough to carry stones, but to pull down a tree is a great effort.『17words』

15、She stared at the bracelet, but did not want to pull down her face and ask Ho Runxuan.『18words』

16、The Ajax functionality pulls only the records in view so that it doesn't have to pull down everything locally.『19words』

17、In the pull down menu for parent category, you can select the parent to the sub-category you are adding.『19words』

18、The examinee's both of shoulder joint were pull down by extra strength then they were divided as "pull down" lateral view.『21words』

19、After the circuit is well connected, you pull down the brake shoe and then the electric lamp will be turned on.『21words』

20、She also suggested the twin towers were destroyed because they were outdated "money-suckers" that would've cost more to pull down that to illicitly destroy.『24words』

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子(30句)

pull down造句,用pull down怎么造句子

21、The falling birth rate and growing popularity of overseas educations have combined to pull down the number of people competing to get into China's universities.『25words』

22、And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.『27words』

23、And what we're trying to do is to encourage information technologies so that when you go into a doctor, they can already pull down your medical records electronically.『28words』

24、Isolated at midnight inside the threshold of life, pull down the flower of the soul, so Dawn curtain of rain and wind, in the same place, along with dance.『29words』

25、Night began to slowly pull down, and all kinds of lights came on one after another, adding a little warmth and hope to this cold winter and endless night.『29words』

26、These crows are as black as fired pots, but the droppings are white. Every evening, they pull down and make white flowers along the alkali bank, like layers of lime slurry.『31words』

27、And if you have a pull down here and you have a pull up here and you have in here a spring then you see you have a way of measuring that force.『33words』

28、To set the alarm you simply pull down the handle to the designated time remaining.The alarm will sound once the handle reaches the top and a simple tap on the LCD screen will shut it off.『36words』

29、It is for the peasants themselves to cast aside the idols, pull down the temples to the martyred virgins and the arches to the chaste and faithful widows;it is wrong for anybody else to do it for them.『38words』

30、I then scolded him for having too little courage to ask for public fees. He laughed at it and said that it was an unexpected income. If the party refused to pull up a penny, pull down a bridge across the river and refuse to recognize it, what would happen to him?『52words』

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