

1、evenly distributed load『3words』

2、distributes sound waves evenly.『4words』

3、pearly teeth evenly aligned.『4words』

4、All of evenly spaced energy.『5words』

5、Space and size things evenly.『5words』



6、The seedlings come out evenly.『5words』

7、They're evenly spaced in this model.『6words』

8、Ergonomic carrying handle distributes weight evenly.『6words』

9、We can assume they're evenly spaced.『6words』

10、The two heavyweight boxers are evenly matched.『7words』



11、distributes the light of the lamp evenly.『7words』

12、Gardeners sprinkle organic fertilizer evenly on the soil.『8words』

13、She disrtibuted the ointment evenly over the wound.『8words』

14、Take some evenly daub and gently massage until absorbed.『9words』

15、The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.『10words』

16、Mix olive oil and salt, brush on potato skins evenly.『10words』

17、What can be done to distribute the sound evenly in every direction?『12words』

18、The first if statement evaluates True, because 5 isn't evenly divisible by 25.『13words』

19、Even better: wear a cross-body bag so that the weight's more evenly distributed.『13words』

20、This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides.『13words』



21、Use the Dispense file command to distribute the test data file evenly between the instances.『15words』

22、Spread the potatoes evenly in the pan and pour the egg mixture evenly on top. Do not stir.『18words』

23、Since this is for sculpting only Itry to avoid any triangles and evenly space out all the quads.『18words』

24、This policy evenly distributes replicas in the cluster which makes it easy to balance load on component failure.『18words』

25、For a nice evenly exposed image, the bars on your histogram should be an evenly distributed wide bell curve.『19words』

26、a class evenly divided between girls and boys; they split their winnings equally; deal equally with rich and poor.『19words』

27、The statistics can be misleading: in places where rain falls copiously and evenly from the skies, withdrawals will be small.『20words』

28、In a round pan the heat is distributed evenly over the entire outer edge and the product is not overcooked at the edges.『23words』

29、Cut the steak evenly into thin slices according to the head, and divide everything else evenly according to the head, from soup to rice and side dishes.『27words』

