

1、Grounds for divorce.『3words』

2、He took divorce proceedings.『4words』

3、Making divorce lawyers rich.『4words』

4、The divorce was not contested.『5words』

5、Experiencing parental separation or divorce.『5words』



6、Two incomes, but more divorce『5words』

7、Talk about everything - except divorce.『6words』

8、When did you learn of Mary's divorce『7words』

9、Her divorce case comes up next month.『7words』

10、Murphy's unhappy martial life terminated in divorce.『7words』



11、She clearly had biblical grounds for divorce.『7words』

12、“But for men, divorce has been traditionally easy."『8words』

13、She resumed her maiden name after the divorce.『8words』

14、They think we dine o 'clock and countenance divorce『9words』

15、Did he divorce his wife or did she divorce him?『10words』

16、I refused her a divorce, out of spite I suppose.『10words』

17、As with divorce, marriage rates vary with race and ethnicity.『10words』

18、Like Schmidt, many entrepreneurs in divorce businesses have experienced divorce themselves.『11words』

19、Its constitutive requirements should include: divorce, damages, delictum, causality between divorce and damages.『13words』

20、 The difference between divorce and non-divorce is whether there is a pant around you.『15words』



21、Attitudes towards divorce are fast changing in China, and divorce rates are on the rise.『15words』

22、Ever since the idea of divorce, everything in my family has aggravated my determination to divorce.『16words』

23、Look at legal conditions of divorce from the evolution of our citizen s divorce concept after liberation;『17words』

24、Some men and women marry once, but then divorce or live apart, many also divorce and remarry.『17words』

25、Divorce number by region does not include divorce of court order, thus less than provincial total number.『17words』

26、Where one party is declared to be missing and the other party starts divorce proceedings, divorce shall be granted.『19words』

27、Grounds for divorce: grounds for divorce is the legal reason a divorce is granted. There are two kinds of grounds: fault or no fault.『24words』

28、The divorce from her husband, which the court granted on account of his ill - treatment of her, was a divorce from bed and board.『25words』

29、The boa after a divorce to reside the life is not too orientation, she joined the club, where divorce woman lost all women are married or widowed women.『28words』


下一篇:get into造句,用get into怎么造句子(29句)