

1、I studied all weekend.『4words』

2、I studied medicine there.『4words』

3、He studied music there,『4words』

4、Father studied hard then.『4words』

5、Gutierrez studied at Pratt Institute.『5words』



6、he studied medicine at Harvard.『5words』

7、What else have you studied『5words』

8、I studied to appear calm.『5words』

9、She studied Classics at university.『5words』

10、The oximation of erythromycin is studied.『6words』



11、The non-sinusoidal oscillation device was studied.『6words』

12、A total of 98 patients were studied.『7words』

13、The determining and ashing conditions were studied.『7words』

14、Study — studied She studied hard last term.『8words』

15、I I studied art at Stockholm University .『8words』

16、Pressured hydrolysis of cyanides in wastewater was studied.『8words』

17、The kinetics of citric acid fermentation process was studied.『9words』

18、In the paper, boundary stiffness sensitivity of eigenvalues is studied.『10words』

19、The business models of MNO are studied in chapter 2.『10words』

20、a studied smile; a note of biting irony and studied insult- V.L.Parrington.『12words』



21、On the basis of above mentioned efforts, the applications of ERF in machine equipment are studied.『16words』

22、There were few subjects which he had not studied and anything he had studied he could clearly expound.『18words』

23、He once studied in China. He came to China at 1948, and studied the old Chinese at Peking University.『19words』

24、It is true that we have not studied the newspaper as the biologists have studied, for example, the potato bug.『20words』

25、The basic absorption mechanism of the microwave - absorbing material was studied, and its interaction on the electromagnetic wave was also studied.『22words』

26、Although intelligence has been studied, and the brain has been studied, there is little understanding of how the brain works to produce intelligence.『23words』

27、The forming process of the blade body and rabbet was studied by thermo-mechanical couple numerical simulation, and the friction influence during this process was studied farther.『26words』

28、To quote prof. JB's words, we have studied so many important cases of entrepreneurs BUT we have not studied the most important one which is our own case.『28words』

29、“In particular, he studied how to prevent a wounded man from bleeding too much, and also he studied the nerve system in the bodies of animals and humans. "『29words』

