

1、smooth pursuit movement『3words』

2、unflagging pursuit of excellence;『4words』

3、What's your favorite pursuit『4words』

4、The relentless pursuit of perfection.『5words』

5、entire devotion to one's pursuit『5words』



6、Fishing is his favorite pursuit.『5words』

7、pursuit of personal fame and career『6words』

8、work tireless in pursuit of excellence『6words』

9、Guys get needy for acquisition and pursuit.『7words』

10、The Russians swung forward in full pursuit.『7words』



11、Career:a chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.『7words』

12、That has remained a decidedly desktop-centric pursuit.『7words』

13、You'll never waver in your pursuit of excellence.『8words』

14、Blind separation of non-independent images using complexity pursuit『8words』

15、Superior quality, never satisfied, is our eternal pursuit.『8words』

16、relentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit.『10words』

17、Continuously improve in the pursuit of perfection - Reflection and kaizen.『11words』

18、Man dies in pursuit of wealth, and birds die in pursuit of food.『13words』

19、Birds die in pursuit of food, and human Beings die in pursuit of wealth『14words』

20、Dahua company means unremitting pursuit, and the pursuit is always aiming at a new height.『15words』



21、Fundamentally, "inner pursuit", "or" the pursuit of ease "is the basic characteristic of Mengzi's teaching thought."『16words』

22、Our goal: the pursuit of excellence, the pursuit of success, to do a first-class nursery stock producers.『17words』

23、The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness, but it can be more satisfying.『18words』

24、Indeed, in some respects Americans may believe the "pursuit of happiness" to mean the pursuit of material things.『18words』

25、You can withstand the pursuit of no direction, not necessarily the pursuit of direction, expand the thinking of the pursuit.『20words』

26、What we want to see is the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.『20words』

27、We in line with "the pursuit of quality, sincere service" of the enterprise purpose, "customer satisfaction" is our unremitting pursuit of the goal.『23words』

28、Those who do not pursue will soon be depressed, even if there is only a lack of pursuit, it is better than no pursuit.『24words』

29、The pursuit of comfort and pursuit of enjoyment is human instinct, but also must be moderated. No matter what the pursuit is, it always has to stop.『27words』

