

1、He could resign.『3words』

2、To resign making excuses『4words』

3、To resign easy job difficult.『5words』

4、He will resign as chairman.『5words』

5、I feel I should resign.『5words』



6、advertised my intention to resign.『5words』

7、To resign office and go home『6words』

8、The scandal obliged the minister to resign.『7words』

9、He is reportedly going to resign tomorrow.『7words』

10、He announced that he's going to resign.『7words』



11、They put pressure on her to resign.『7words』

12、It is our opinion that he should resign.『8words』

13、“Do you want to resign, retire, transfer, Scobie?"『8words』

14、As most of you know, I've decided to resign.『9words』

15、There was nothing else for it but to resign.『9words』

16、Clinton had to back off when Tenet threatened to resign.『10words』

17、His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.『11words』

18、The Prime Minister is reportedly going to resign in a few days.『12words』

19、D.He decided to resign, which is the best thing he could do under the circumstances.『15words』

20、She decided to resign from the party rather than submit herself to the new rules.『15words』



21、Not afraid to resign, can not resign easily, walk smartly are no worries or desperate people.『16words』

22、Hitting the send button on scathing, company-wide email is far from the best way to resign.『16words』

23、Her lawyer said the university had waged a war of nerves to persuade his client to resign.『17words』

24、Mister Bouton has offered to resign twice but both times the bank's board did not accept his resignation.『18words』

25、Mr Summers is the most senior economic adviser to Barack Obama to resign among a spate of recent departures.『19words』

26、I regret to inform you that I would like to resign my position for my personal reason after deep consideration.『20words』

27、The embattled prime minister has faced growing pressure from within his own party to resign ahead of forthcoming elections in July.『21words』

28、ROME (AFP) - Sampdoria fans staged a protest outside the club's Bogliasco training complex in Genoa on Tuesday, calling on coach Alberto Cavasin to resign.『25words』

29、Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf is denying rumors that he is planning to resign following weeks of criticism from his opponents, some of whom have vowed to impeach him.『28words』

