

1、How much are doubles『4words』

2、The saxophonist doubles on drums.『5words』

3、Denying a fault doubles it.『5words』

4、doubles, mixed doubles and team disciplines.『6words』

5、Binary representations of floats and doubles.『6words』



6、Her doubles matches got only attention.『6words』

7、To purchase the counterfeit products doubles『6words』

8、except the men's singles and doubles finals,『7words』

9、Aggressive net play is common in doubles.『7words』

10、The man doubles over and actually feels pain.『8words』



11、Diabetes doubles a person's risk of early death.『8words』

12、Speeding up by 40 percent approximately doubles fuel consumption.『9words』

13、Two doubles, two double rooms, July 20th and 21st. Right?『10words』

14、It provides nearly 400 functions for doubles and complex Numbers.『10words』

15、So anything that doubles these rates is considered an emergency situation.『11words』

16、The debt doubles over the next 10 years to $26.7 trillion.『11words』

17、Crystal, likes to play challenging games in lady doubles, and mixed doubles.『12words』

18、Doubling the frequency of logical operations inside a microprocessor doubles the heat output.『13words』

19、The tournament contains man and woman's singles, man and woman's doubles and mixed doubles.『14words』

20、There are two people in singles or four people in doubles or mixed doubles.『14words』



21、In audio applications, the single-instruction, multiple data (SIMD) mode effectively doubles the processor performance.『14words』

22、Mary is a secretary, but she doubles in brass as the company's switchboard operator.『14words』

23、Improved Thunderclap now reduces rage cost4 points, doubles the damage, and doubles the slow effect.『15words』

24、Sam's greatest asset on the court was a vicious volley at the net, making him a popular doubles partner.『19words』

25、Even worse, the staging server often doubles as a demo server, leaving the possibility for mishaps during important presentations.『19words』

26、“The five major championships that constitute the US Open --men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles and mixed doubles."『20words』

27、Doubles such a good weight loss tea weight loss can be achieved, then doubles main ingredients slimming tea which is it?『21words』

28、To be fair, each club team must be interchanged the player's list from first doubles to fifth doubles before the match start.『22words』

29、The posts shall be placed on the doubles side lines as in Diagram a irrespective of whether singles or doubles is being played.『23words』

