

1、Bicycle lane system『3words』

2、in-lane autotoll equipment『3words』

3、With flow median lane『4words』

4、With flow curb lane『4words』

5、Stay in this lane.『4words』



6、Track: a six-lane motorway『4words』

7、Bucketing over the unpaved lane.『5words』

8、full lane width hard shoulder『5words』

9、She left the lane finally.『5words』

10、the fast lane of the motorway『6words』



11、“"Proceed in this lane" [lane use signal]"『7words』

12、 A breakdown lane; an express lane.『7words』

13、a narrow lane off the main road『7words』

14、Are you driving in the slow lane『7words』

15、The road is only one lane wide.『7words』

16、A four-lane highway connects the two cities.『7words』

17、Daring bus drivers ply the one-lane route.『7words』

18、Not afraid of the lies and slanders lane annihilation.『9words』

19、Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.『10words』

20、The lane between Market Square and Pucka Lane is called Church Lane.『12words』



21、Research on length of speed change lane in exchange lane of traffic interjunction『13words』

22、having a lane for traffic in each direction and a center lane for passing.『14words』

23、A lane-assistance system, which helps keep a car from straying beyond lane markings, is also considered level one.『18words』

24、A method based on image processing technique to detect lane with lane markings is proposed for driver assistant system.『19words』

25、I dreamt of all kinds of roads: state highway, provincial highway, country road; with eight-lane, with six-lane and with dual-lane.『20words』

26、 Every evening, the tap of the lane opens to lock and sell water. All the residents of the lane line up to buy water at the lane.『28words』

27、Entering Wuyi Lane, I didn't find anything unusual. The wide lane was crowded with people. The Wangxie Memorial Hall in the middle of the lane was quiet and orderly.『29words』

28、The symbols show a specific lane's traffic condition: a green arrow for a lane flowing freely, a yellow arrow or yellow "X" for a slow lane, and a Red "X" for a lane that is shut down.『37words』

29、As in the Olympic final, according to the results of preliminary races, the fastest is assigned to the fourth lane, the second fastest to the fifth lane, the third to the third lane, the fourth to the six lane, etc.『40words』

