

1、Inflation also remains tame.『4words』

2、tame and docile; tractable『4words』

3、'We'll tame the Yenisey river!'『5words』

4、To break or tame(a horse).『5words』

5、tame animals; fields of tame blueberries.『6words』



6、“Please — tame me!" he said.『6words』

7、They are quite easy to tame.『6words』

8、Don't be afraid. These horses are tame.『7words』

9、You're going to tame the jousting steed?『7words』

10、A wise goose never lays a tame egg.『8words』



11、Like other tame cats, he had his claws.『8words』

12、You'll find life here pretty tame after New York.『9words』

13、It made the Marseilles that I knew, tame and commonplace.『10words』

14、Squirrel is a beautiful small animal, tame, clever, very likable.『10words』

15、Horse is easy to tame but tigers are hard to tame.『11words』

16、Horses are easy to tame but tigers are hard to tame.『11words』

17、India's normally tame middle class is speaking up against social ills.『11words』

18、Parliament has in fact already authorized the government to tame the tobacco trade.『13words』

19、Raised as domesticated elephants these animals are tame and can be taught many tricks.『14words』

20、Winter again came round, with its winds, frosts, tame robins, and sparkling star light.『14words』



21、Except for some rather tame scenes in the slum, the scenery of the city is unequalled.『16words』

22、The fox fell silent and stared at the little prince for a long while."please…tame me!" he said.『17words』

23、At German insistence, countries in the euro must tame their public finances and cannot be bailed out.『17words』

24、She took a long look at the Huanghe River and said, " See how tame it has become!"『18words』

25、 Several white lines hung from upstairs, and the tame morning glory spiraled upward, advancing day by day.『18words』

26、One may walk in the tame animal section and enjoy affinity with giraffes, zebras, peacocks, swans and rhesus monkeys.『19words』

27、“Some elites often complain that, compared to the Western media, the local media is rather "tame"when reporting on political issues."『20words』

28、When I went in, I saw an old dog, who looked very tame, lying in the middle of the floor and sleeping.『22words』

29、For the last decade, Hollywood and big music have spent time not innovating, but trying to get the U.S. Congress to help them tame the Internet.『26words』

