

1、Grind out some verses『4words』

2、memorable verses by Keats『4words』

3、Poets recite their verses.『4words』

4、He tacked together some verses.『5words』

5、He boomed out Shakespearian verses.『5words』



6、And of my verses, the white Flock.『7words』

7、Keiner made verses too, but very indifferently.『7words』

8、These are some of the milder verses.『7words』

9、There are four verses in each poem.『7words』

10、He quoted a few verses from Shakespeare.『7words』



11、He tossed off a few verses of poetry.『8words』

12、Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus.『9words』

13、They read a few verses together to say good-bye.『9words』

14、Quite a few female verses dissociate from the literary history.『10words』

15、To compose poems and fill verses on a given rhyme『10words』

16、She quoted several verses to us. [She quoted us several verses.『11words』

17、Unlike free verse, they are traditional metrical verses and semi-metrical verses.『11words』

18、No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year!『11words』

19、Do you keep track of actual verses planned expenditures and budgets?『11words』

20、The verses were copied out, handed about, sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie.『15words』



21、Occasional songs by tribal musicians and the verses of local poets also liven up the mix.『16words』

22、Our Lord's exhortation in these verses is to be generous in our behaviour to all men.『16words』

23、This 60 selected bible verses will help you establish a long term plan for memorizing bible verses.『17words』

24、The verses of Psalm 136 recall concrete examples from history in which the Lord showed his enduring love.『18words』

25、I composed verses, feeble lines which perhaps showed my early love for words but certainly forecast no poetical future.『19words』

26、A few verses later, the same distressed David is declaring, "But I trust in your unfailing love" (v. 5).『19words』

27、We must seek his healing forgiveness as the healing of the man with the palsy in verses 17-26 teaches.『19words』

28、The author believes that early verses in vernacular Chinese didn t cut off the connection with the tradition, but was greatly influenced by the deep-rooted creations of traditional verses.『29words』

29、Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses, and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount, because he could find no verses that were shorter.『30words』

