

1、She doesn't blush easily.『4words』

2、I blush for you.『4words』

3、She starts to blush.『4words』

4、Her smile makes me blush.『5words』

5、Her blush witnessed her confusion.『5words』



6、I truly blush for you.『5words』

7、He did not blush to (do)...『6words』

8、At first blush, this idea seems ridiculous.『7words』

9、Why do I blush when I'm embarrassed?『7words』

10、A dusky blush rose to her cheek.『7words』



11、at first blush the offer seemed attractive.『7words』

12、In the soft blush of light's reflected power,『8words』

13、The dirty joke raised a blush on her cheek.『9words』

14、At first blush there is something to this argument.『9words』

15、Semidouble chimera cream-white to blush pink star/ blue-purple stripe.『9words』

16、Blush she blushed as red as a rose with shame.『10words』

17、At first blush, it would seem that Mr Bush did.『10words』

18、She would put Xi Shi to shame and make Wang Qiang blush.『12words』

19、A blush mounted to the child's face, ie The blood spread to the child's cheeks.『15words』

20、Everywhere she turned she saw something which took her breath away and made her blush uncomfortably.『16words』



21、“The most important thing is to be honest," she says, without the trace of a blush.『16words』

22、She knew that this was something in which she need not blush to measure herself beside Fairfax『17words』

23、The reason why money makes people blush is that what others earn is what you compensate for.『17words』

24、But if you're one of the many people who blush at the idea, welcome to STD Talk 101.『18words』

25、Known for its softness, it is used in cosmetic products like blush because it absorbs moisture and prevents caking.『19words』

26、She highlights her luminous skin with rosy blush and shimmery pink gloss for an effect that is completely Selena.『19words』

27、Start by brushing a spot of pink blush onto yourearlobes, and then use your thumb to spread the blush evenly.『20words』

28、The general method for applying blush is to smile, find the apples of your cheeks, and then run the blush brush over them.『23words』

29、“Hester turned again towards Pearl, with a crimson blush upon her cheek, a conscious glance aside at the clergyman, and then a heavy sigh; while, even before she had time to speak, the blush yielded to a deadly pallor."『39words』


上一篇:Atlantic 造句,用Atlantic 怎么造句子(29句)