

1、Use recycled paper.『3words』

2、recycled crystalized glass『3words』

3、That is not recycled.『4words』

4、recycled foam polystyrene aggreagate『4words』

5、But fortunately, they get recycled.『5words』



6、Waste paper can be recycled.『5words』

7、It is printed on recycled paper.『6words』

8、Only certain materials can be recycled.『6words』

9、And these alternative plastics cannot be recycled.『7words』

10、People will drink recycled rain and seawater.『7words』



11、recycled reinforced glass bead system kitchen sheets『7words』

12、It's constantly being recycled through evaporation and condensation.『8words』

13、There are many things that can be recycled.『8words』

14、It is recycled endlessly, as rain, snow or evaporation.『9words』

15、Creative modern rings made from recycled silver by Casey Perez.『10words』

16、Recycled paper: Paper made from pulps that consist mainly recycled fibres.『11words』

17、We are an environmentally friendly company as we manufacture recycled toner.『11words』

18、Waste materials such as glass, paper, and metal can be recycled.『11words』

19、The suitable plasticizer was used to improve the toughness of recycled ABS.『12words』

20、Effect of powder in recycled fine aggregate on compressive strength of recycled mortar『13words』



21、The first thing you have to do is to collect items that can be recycled.『15words』

22、We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.『17words』

23、Buy recycled products - If there were no market for recycled products, there would be no incentive to recycle.『19words』

24、Part of the supporting facilities, materials and appliances will use recyclable or recycled materials; BOCOG's main publications will use recycled paper.『21words』

25、Some of the other items up for grabs include recycled paper vases, stationery holders made from recycled glass and even art pieces.『22words』

26、Batteries should be recycled at the appropriate locations, not thrown in the garbage and paper and post-it notes can easily be recycled if kept separate.『25words』

27、At present, although the recycled use of waste concrete has become the focus of attention, the studies on the cracking resistance of recycled concrete are rare.『26words』

28、The chairs are made of Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET), or recycled plastic Coke bottles (111 to be exact!) and a mix of pigment and glass fiber.『26words』

29、Recycled pipes made of recycled paper are used for much of the interior, and the uniforms of the working staff are also made of cloth recycled from old clothes.『29words』

