

1、said the unmannerly wretch.『4words』

2、Oh, you little wretch『4words』

3、[Abusive] miserable wretch; contemptible wretch『5words』

4、Miserable wretch that I am!『5words』

5、You wretch! You eat pig!『5words』



6、You are a lying wretch『5words』

7、Unlucky wretch that I am!『5words』

8、He' s a scurvy wretch.『5words』

9、What an unlucky wretch I am!『6words』

10、That saved a wretch like me.『6words』



11、The sparrow answered, "Not wretch enough yet!"『7words』

12、The poor wretch lost all his money.『7words』

13、Oh, what have you done, you wretch『7words』

14、The wretch requited his benefactors by betraying them.『8words』

15、My wife, poor wretch, is troubled with her lonely life.『10words』

16、The dead husband is not the dishonoured wretch they fancied him.『11words』

17、“Yes, my mother," said Albert, "I will return, and woe to the infamous wretch『14words』

18、He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days.『16words』

19、After parting from Philpot, the poor wretch had managed to walk all right for some distance.『16words』

20、On the following day, when they came to fetch the unhappy wretch, the Bishop was still there.『17words』



21、He would tell her, "Oh, sinful wretch, who is spreading disease and filth like an open sewer."『17words』

22、I was deceived by a base ungenerous wretch, who, under the mask of friendship, has undone me.『17words』

23、“ Get out of my sight, you wretch ! I never want to set eyes on you again."『18words』

24、If he is really a wretch, will we ask him to tell us the truth of Lushan Mountain?『18words』

25、And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha.『21words』

26、To present such a bill to a man who had so completely the air "of a poor wretch" seemed difficult to her.『22words』

27、Could it be, that the whole earthly course of one so gentle, good, and self-denying, was subjugated to such a wretch as that!『23words』

28、I hated the little wretch next door who used face-cream, often wore new leather shoes, and whose steps sounded all too like those of Zijun.『25words』

29、and all that for the sake of an old wretch of an apple-thief who, most assuredly, has deserved the galleys for something else, if not for that;『27words』

