

1、The Force surged.『3words』

2、Share prices surged.『3words』

3、Relief surged through her.『4words』

4、The flood surged forward.『4words』

5、Envy surged up within her.『5words』



6、The elevator surged smoothly skyward.『5words』

7、The tides surged over the rocks.『6words』

8、Last year generating capacity surged by 50%.『7words』

9、Row upon row of women surged forwards.『7words』

10、A tide of rage surged through her.『7words』



11、Debt surged and wages stayed stubbornly high.『7words』

12、From 2001 to 2008 public employment surged 15%.『8words』

13、Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category.『8words』

14、Shares in the bank have surged 45pc this year.『9words』

15、The equivalent index in America briefly surged, by 46%.『9words』

16、Monetary growth surged before both bouts ofinflation in 1987-88 and 1993-94.『11words』

17、The global economy has surged since 2002 following the tech burst.『11words』

18、things obscurely felt surged up from unsuspected depths in her- Edith Wharton.『12words』

19、When the company went under, tales of his extravagance surged through the industry.『13words』

20、look up!; the music surged up; the fragments flew upwards; prices soared upwards; upwardly mobile.『15words』



21、To grasp one reason why volatility has surged, you need to understand how the Vix is calculated.『17words』

22、Nintendo's profit surged 72 percent last year after the weaker yen boosted the value of their foreign money.『18words』

23、She's too tired, a very picture of paleness and thinness, he thought, and a confused tide surged in his heart.『20words』

24、The crowd surged back and forth, everyone pursed their lips and commented in disappointment, what, a skinny monkey like this?『20words』

25、The violent tremors left few buildings habitable and prompted a tsunami that surged up to 40 ft. (12 m。) high.『20words』

26、Never have the stock prices, which are flashed in green on the electronic tapes overhead, surged, dipped and surged again with such stupefying speed.『24words』

27、The movement surged coal, steel, concrete and nonferrous metal sections. Many stocks which plunged most several days ago limited up and their index surged at K-line.『26words』

28、The sharp fall has coincided with a freeze in risk appetite . Credit spreads have surged in lock step with the euro's slide, deterring borrowers, in particular banks.『28words』

29、The Dragon sky was shocked, and a natural blow came out. The power of the dragon and the Yellow Emperor surged out like the sea, and the loud and loud voice of the storm surged through.『36words』

