

1、The attic grumble.『3words』

2、“The attic -" I begin.『5words』

3、furniture stored in the attic『5words』

4、rummage around in the attic『5words』

5、our attic - cum - studio.『6words』



6、Dick's room was in an attic.『6words』

7、house one's old books in the attic『7words』

8、There's a light on in the attic.『7words』

9、We stored our furniture in the attic.『7words』

10、She slept the night in the attic.『7words』



11、Pigeons peeped in from the window of the attic.『9words』

12、I came across some old photos in the attic.『9words』

13、Over time the visits to the attic became less scary.『10words』

14、Jean Valjean took aim at the attic window and fired.『10words』

15、I went to the attic and dug out Grandad's medals.『10words』

16、I hid her in my attic, and the German never found her.『12words』

17、All patients received the multi-technique if needed: ①Open the attic,mastoid antrum etc;『12words』

18、He rummaged about in the attic and brought out a pile of old newspapers.『14words』

19、Conclusion Lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell prevent the recurrence of cholesteatoma.『15words』

20、They fired into the attic through a wooden lattice. They fought under the very roof.『15words』



21、A room on the top floor of a house, typically under a pitched roof; an attic.『16words』

22、Every piece was handled ten times or more. And the drying! It had to be hung in the attic.『19words』

23、On their way they passed an attic, where a large grey cat guarded her new family in a basket.『19words』

24、Walking up to the attic, the dense and compact windows are especially clear and clear, and the wind is sweet.『20words』

25、I'll offer them the attic, ask them to stay, because I know how it is to be without a house.『20words』

26、Patients with cholesteatoma localizedin attic can have CI in one-stage operation,but it is necessary to remove all leisions and reconstruct attic.『21words』

27、 Li stressed that Shen Shallow's price can only be found in the old area, and attic is the most likely.『21words』

28、The errors are often regarded with embarrassment by subsequent generations, and locked away in attic rooms of the subject's mansion like mad relatives in a Victorian novel.『27words』

29、Conclusion:The attic retraction pocket reflected the negative pressure of middle ear and its pathogenesis was related with the function of Eustachian tube, inflammation and pneumatization of mastoid.『27words』

