

1、Will telecom connect『3words』

2、Don't connect up properly『4words』

3、Two roads connect here.『4words』

4、Next, connect to the database.『5words』

5、We connect Anshan with steel.『5words』



6、Please hold; I’ll connect you.『5words』

7、Where to connect the centralizer.『5words』

8、How to connect IGBT in parallel?『6words』

9、You'd better connect your child's teacher.『6words』

10、Connect OBD connector to car diagnostic socket.『7words』



11、Click 'Continue' to connect to the Internet.『7words』

12、Use social media to connect with travelers.『7words』

13、ESB technologies that connect and mediate the services.『8words』

14、Could you connect me with the telephone directory assistance?『9words』

15、Note that in GTK +, you connect to signals.『9words』

16、And you should now be able to connect USB devices.『10words』

17、Connect bypass hose between vent needle valve and loosely connect to test cock No.1.『14words』

18、We cannot connect the dots looking forward, but we can only connect them looking backward.『15words』

19、Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.『15words』

20、Connect to a Data Source: Specify the information required to connect to the data source.『15words』



21、Behind a parallel trench inside, then prevaricate prone the 1st connect, the second connect, Scarpe UGG, the third connect.『19words』

22、Don't sit down. Maintain your ability to move around and connect with the folks you want to connect with.『19words』

23、Moreover introduces the typical calling process in a program of the facing to connect and none connect protocol sockets.『19words』

24、Where they differ is in what they connect – tendons connect muscle to bone while ligaments attach bone to bone.『20words』

25、By default, the connect privilege is granted to PUBLIC which means that any user that authenticates successfully can connect to the database.『22words』

26、The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train; The planes do not connect and you will have to wait for four hours.『24words』

27、You must connect to this printer before you can print on it. Do you want to connect to this printer and then print the selected document?『26words』

28、The dispute, according to a source, revolves around American's demand that Orbitz connect to AA Direct connect for flight inventory and ancillary services, and consequent distribution economics.『27words』

29、Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.『29words』

