


2、What's he signaling, anyhow『4words』

3、What's the matter, anyhow『4words』

4、Let's find out anyhow.『4words』

5、I couldn't get up anyhow.『5words』



6、One experienced youth volunteered, anyhow.『5words』

7、He couldn' t convince her anyhow.『6words』

8、It's probably for the best anyhow.『6words』

9、I must finish this work anyhow..『6words』

10、The programme is anyhow pretty modest.『6words』



11、I know Frank Cowperwood by reputation, anyhow.『7words』

12、Why does the farmer keep you around anyhow『8words』

13、But he stayed there anyhow, perfectly still - waiting.『9words』

14、I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow.『10words』

15、It's much better now, anyhow. I don't mind so much ...『11words』

16、Just like that, anyhow we must say good-bye to each other.『11words』

17、All would rapidly stock every station in which they could anyhow exist.『12words』

18、“you see I think everything's terrible anyhow," she went on in a convinced way.『14words』

19、Nobody comes here - too out of the way. And anyhow, other muggle kids prefer the playground.『17words』

20、But anyhow, I still love, sex unknown love, suffering or cruelty of love, after all, is love.『17words』



21、It's pretty nearly pitch dark now, anyhow; and there ought to be a bit of a moon later.『18words』

22、If Jap attackers meet resistance, they advance anyhow—which accounts for the terrible slaughter to which Japanese troops submit themselves.『19words』

23、The fishhook hooks the mouth of the fish from several directions, and thus, the hook can not be spit anyhow.『20words』

24、You see, Lux is almost between Pari and Frankfurt. But Munich is quite far... anyhow, think about it. If you like...『21words』

25、The reason for doing so, he wrote, was: "constant companion and a friend in old age… better than a dog, anyhow".『21words』

26、In the lapse of another half-hour it became apparent to Carrie that it was quite a run to wherever he was taking her, anyhow.『24words』

27、I believe it could be better if she just smiles, but anyhow is a pure one without the PS stuff. Hope you like it.『24words』

28、You know nothing about her really, or about yourself in relation to her, and anyhow it's only one of those things and therefore it's of no importance.『27words』

29、One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century—that's when they began keeping records, anyhow.『28words』

