

1、You're busted, box boy!『4words』

2、You are so busted『4words』

3、The lights are busted.『4words』

4、I'm not knock you busted『5words』

5、He's been busted for drugs.『5words』



6、Can you save my busted soul?『6words』

7、His house was busted this morning.『6words』

8、If you speak the charm's busted.『6words』

9、They were busted for possession of cannabis.『7words』

10、My child has busted up my watch『7words』



11、On your car you got a busted headlight.『8words』

12、He was busted for being absent without leave.『8words』

13、Police busted an underground network of illegal sports gambling.『9words』

14、He and his wife busted up a year ago.『9words』

15、It was money troubles that busted up their marriage.『9words』

16、Kevin: The engine seems to be busted. It's driving me crazy!『11words』

17、Kicker's solution: using data to help fix the city's busted transportation system.『12words』

18、The boot on that foot was busted, and two of his toes stuck through.『14words』

19、l built a case against three of our own agents and busted them for taking bribes.『16words』

20、Only last Saturday, my Joe busted a firecracker right under my nose and I knocked him sprawling.『17words』



21、TIGER WOODS: Yeah, I had a busted-up lip and a pretty sore neck, and that was it.『17words』

22、my arm is busted; I got my head busted in the fight; can't play with a busted baseball bat.『19words』

23、After the CEO busted me in the elevator, he told me about the meeting he had just come from.『19words』

24、She passes by in luxurious big house, but now she busted up, have to live in broken-down and small room.『20words』

25、1.to make soup by infusing in hot water; 2.(said of a dream) busted; (said of money) wasted; (said of hope) dashed『21words』

26、As for the pro-royal “yellow shirts”, hotheads whose anti-Thaksin protests created the conditions for the army coup, they appear to be a busted flush.『24words』

27、In every chewed-up stereo speaker, busted screen door, purloined grilled cheese sandwich and bouquet of decapitated flowers, Mr. Grogan finds more about Marley to love.『25words』

28、When such a grossly misinterpreted claim was busted, she went for another by copying or writing large amount of seemly related but really out of context content.『27words』

29、On the first play of the fourth quarter, with Arkansas leading 14-0, the Texas quarterback, James Street, made an amazing forty-two-yard touchdown run on a busted play.『27words』

