

1、realize the value『3words』

2、realize on; gain .. on『5words』

3、He didn't realize his mistake.『5words』

4、One should realize one's limitations.『5words』

5、Then realize that idea somehow.『5words』



6、I must realize my dream!『5words』

7、I didn't realize you had company.『6words』

8、You may not realize the scope.『6words』

9、I didn't realize how late it was?『7words』

10、To realize the daily tinting production plan.『7words』



11、Only later did she realize her mistake.『7words』

12、They also fail to realize how much they eat.『9words』

13、I realize that sounds obvious, but it's worth stating.『9words』

14、System can realize date exchange by DBF or XML.『9words』

15、I didn't realize the ticket line would be so long.『10words』

16、Do they realize we are racing toward complete economic collapse?『10words』

17、In our system we use method one to realize GMSK modulation.『11words』

18、Lesson: We have to realize that security is everyone's responsibility, not the other person's.『14words』

19、How to use the existing BMS/IBMS software to realize intelligent integrated system function was introduced.『15words』

20、Realize the use of Laplacian sharpening realize, have the effect of map, we can look at.『16words』



21、Be friendly and righteous to realize the truth. Experience joy and suffering to realize the truth of impermanence.『18words』

22、To realize the transformation of single nitrogen fertilizer to compound fertilizer and realize the serialization of chemical fertilizer products.『19words』

23、You won't realize the distance you've walked until you take a look around and realize how far you've been.『19words』

24、So if you're multitasking, you don't realize how distracted you are. You don't realize the impact it has on you.『20words』

25、You can't realize the dream you once said, but you find the one you like in your efforts to realize it.『21words』

26、It should cut down police's power, strengthen the external supervision to realize the honest goal, realize that the police service is disclosed, ensure funds input.『25words』

27、This system can realize the design and correction and making drawing of roller chain drive automatically, and also can realize the integration of design and drawing.『26words』

28、It can abandon heating furnace to realize "green steel" production without contamination in deed and obtain remarkable economic benefit if we realize hot delivery and direct rolling.『27words』

29、Keep your heart on the top and best goal. After a period of time, you will realize when you have grasped the opportunity to realize your wishes.『27words』

