

1、The stadium rocked with applause.『5words』

2、The explosion rocked the valley.『5words』

3、The news rocked the world.『5words』

4、The waves rocked the boat.『5words』

5、Explosions rocked the heart of Tripoli.『6words』



6、His death rocked the fashion business.『6words』

7、She rocked the baby to and fro.『7words』

8、In Taipei buildings rocked back and forth.『7words』

9、The murder case rocked the whole country.『7words』

10、The big tree rocked in the strong wind.『8words』



11、At the first round he was rocked by John.『9words』

12、She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.『9words』

13、The boat suddenly rocked and pitched him into the water.『10words』

14、Commissary wagons with torn canvas covers rocked through the ruts.『10words』

15、Hours after the initial earthquake, a5.4 magnitude aftershock rocked the area.『11words』

16、Three people were injured yesterday when an explosion rocked the factory.『11words』

17、The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.『11words』

18、Thunderous applause erupted and rocked the hall as the professor closed his speech.『13words』

19、In the swift current, the boat rocked, water washed into it and disaster threatened.『14words』

20、The boat was still rocked by several boys, who unhooked and silently rocked the night boat.『16words』



21、An explosion rocked a natural-gas power plant Sunday in Middletown, Conn., sending earthquake-like shock waves miles away.『17words』

22、On day four, as the train trundled and rocked lethargically through Poland, my fears and hunger grew.『17words』

23、Scarlett screamed to her, but the tumult of the crowd drowned her voice and the carriage rocked madly by.『19words』

24、Until our paradigm is rocked by some killer new app, Photoshop will reign as the best tool for designing websites.『20words』

25、They represent solid performance in a business environment that has been rocked by the evolving crisis in global financial markets.『20words』

26、Early in the morning on Saturday February 27th, a massive 8.8-magnitude quake—the fifth-largest recorded since 1900—rocked the Pacific coast of central Chile.『22words』

27、Ms Haley's campaign has been rocked by two unproven allegations of marital infidelity, for which no evidence has been presented and which she denies.『24words』

28、Researchers in psychology, a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years, have been especially vocal supporters of the drive for more-open science.『26words』

29、The road stretches like a load in front and back of the car. I rocked with the car, making the rigid body soft and the mood relaxed.『27words』

