

1、Strawberries bruise easily.『3words』

2、bruise of quadriceps femoris『4words』

3、What is a bruise『4words』

4、Her feelings bruise easily.『4words』

5、My bruise is still tender.『5words』



6、Discolored, as from a bruise; black-and-blue.『6words』

7、Have you noticed that you bruise easily?『7words』

8、The bruise was caused by a kick.『7words』

9、Don't handle the tomatoes, you'll bruise them!『7words』

10、Doctor: Why do you knee bruise it?『7words』



11、Lose my balance, bruise my knee, bruise my heart?『9words』

12、How did you get that bruise on your cheek?『9words』

13、He had a bruise just below his right eye.『9words』

14、The bruise on his stomach ached with a steady throb.『10words』

15、The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise.『13words』

16、David continued to bruise his face; faber replied with a series of body jabs.『14words』

17、After staying in to run the bases, Jeter left the game with a bruise.『14words』

18、Of course, not all ruins are worth keeping, or the earth will be bruise.『14words』

19、To beat down with the feet so as to crush, bruise, or destroy; tramp on.『15words』

20、Tracheitis softy ears visual fatigue. action resistance. trauma and bruise may appear on face with serious reaction.『17words』



21、He underwent the initiation rites that saw his skin discolored by the painful tracks of bruise-leech crawlers.『17words』

22、only talked of one thing - how did the Russian prime minister get a bruise under his eye?『18words』

23、I also tried to transmit energy on the bruise of her right palm besides the areas I usual did.『19words』

24、The most beautiful years, whether you ask or not, one of my world, has been bruise all over the world.『20words』

25、It is, depending on your point of view, a charming memento of the kissing session or a repulsive and embarrassing bruise.『21words』

26、Asbestos fibers can bruise the lung tissue, leaving scars that cripple the organ's ability to process oxygen and sometimes cause lung cancer.『22words』

27、These ring Ma Yang to reserve bruise and dine peppery rice, a can become in high spirits good brave fellow at once.『22words』

28、Abrasion resistant, scratch and bruise resistant: the wax is distributed in the coating to protect it and prevent scratches, abrasions and provides abrasion resistance.『24words』

29、Although we're not sure if Nina got the concussion while she was filming on set or just messing around, it sounds like she's wearing the bruise well.『27words』

