

1、 The door slammed (to).『5words』

2、He slammed the lid down.『5words』

3、She slammed the lid shut.『5words』

4、We never slammed it shut.『5words』

5、She slammed the door shut.『5words』



6、a play slammed by the reviewers『6words』

7、He slammed the door behind him.『6words』

8、He slammed the door in her face.『7words』

9、She slammed the door with a bang.『7words』

10、He slammed the door and stumped/stomped upstairs.『7words』



11、He listened intently, then slammed down the phone.『8words』

12、He slammed the door with a vehement fury.『8words』

13、The other boys had slammed him against the lockers.『9words』

14、I slammed the brakes on and went into a skid.『10words』

15、In1969,248 people were killed as Hurricane" Camille" slammed into the Gulf Coast.『12words』

16、He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt.『12words』

17、A door slammed in the house and a man came out buckling his belt.『14words』

18、People have slammed you for not having enough "masculinity" in your skating. Are you masculine?『15words』

19、I suddenly loved Death Valley - it slammed you from one extreme to the other.『15words』

20、No sooner had financial stocks gotten up off the mat than poor existing-home sales body-slammed them.『16words』



21、I slammed on my brakes.But before the truck stopped, the bumper hit something with a sickening sound.『17words』

22、His comments come after critics slammed recent local elections across the world's largest country as a farce.『17words』

23、She slammed the door hard to start the car, and the tires screeched as she slammed on the accelerator.『19words』

24、He slammed on the brakes and drove the Jaguar back to the spot where the brick had been thrown.『19words』

25、Our screen door slammed and I could tell she was on the phone with my father at his hardware store.『20words』

26、They shook hands and said good-bye, and as the plane began to move, De Gaulle stepped in and slammed the door.『21words』

27、Donovan slammed his fist on the table and shouted, "For every one of our agents you kill, we will kill one of your generals!"『24words』

28、In 2009 an old Russian craft slammed into a communications satellite, creating a cloud of hundreds of pieces of debris and putting other hardware at risk.『26words』

29、The next time a colleague asks for your help and you're slammed with your own work, ask if you can lend a hand later, when you're less busy.『28words』

