

1、Eben avoids their eyes sheepishly.『5words』

2、This avoids deploy time errors.『5words』

3、It also avoids page flickering.『5words』

4、This avoids the UPA problem.『5words』

5、Distance avoids us fast burning.『5words』



6、a gregarious person who avoids solitude.『6words』

7、This avoids Eclipse project metadata becoming corrupted.『7words』

8、It avoids the intellectualism of Christian theology.『7words』

9、This avoids potential problems from incremental builds.『7words』

10、It avoids the crude requirement of polygamy.『7words』



11、He avoids such pitfalls in his own writing.『8words』

12、Structuring the stylesheet this way avoids this error.『8words』

13、This avoids unnecessary projects being loaded in the workspace.『9words』

14、The decision would mean that Microsoft avoids another hefty penalty.『10words』

15、Cantaloup avoids eating with crab, field snails, and oil cakes.『10words』

16、The technology maximally avoids the velocity problem while precision imaging can be got.『13words』

17、The Jt framework also uses declarative security which avoids the need for error-prone security coding.『15words』

18、The ECN scheme uses the packet to transfer congestion information, effectively avoids retransmission of dropped packet.『16words』

19、Compared with the particle filter (PF), it avoids the resampling step and the particle degeneracy phenomenon.『16words』

20、The G8 proposal, although promoting a 50% global cut for 2050, avoids a target for 2020.『16words』



21、An inverse wiener filter algorithm, which avoids the illness condition in common inverse filter, gives the final restored images.『19words』

22、This is of considerable benefit in the setting of chronic diseases, as it avoids frequent, repeated intakes of medicines.『19words』

23、A diet of "clean eating" refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce.『20words』

24、This method avoids the small dynamic range in global thresholding and misjudgement caused by fixed divided regions in adaptive thresholding.『20words』

25、In this world, does there exist a person restrained by conscience, who avoids blame, like a good horse avoids a whip?『21words』

26、‘One of the attractive things about this approach to time travel is that it avoids all the big paradoxes,’ Mr Weiler said.『22words』

27、The gencon policy avoids fragmentation by using a copying collector that efficiently compacts the nursery area as a side-effect of every collection.『22words』

28、The flyweight pump used in the production avoids the faults of filler wearing and improves the quality of products instead of centrifugal pump.『23words』

29、Painted with a traditional Chinese painting technique, these have a delicate, old-fashioned charm; while their contemporary subject matter avoids kitschy evocations of the past.『24words』

