in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子(29句)

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子

1、in the front of?in front of『6words』

2、preen oneself in front of the mirror『7words』

3、Stop in front of that building, please.『7words』

4、She stared stonily in front of her.『7words』

5、She pirouetted in front of the glass.『7words』

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子(29句)

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子

6、He performed in stadiums, in front of thousands.『8words』

7、(prefix) in front of or before in space.『8words』

8、Stand in the square in front of the cathedral.『9words』

9、Thousands of demonstrators rallied in front of the Capitol.『9words』

10、Speaking disparagingly of people in front of their friends.『9words』

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子(29句)

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子

11、Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.『9words』

12、The playground lies in front of the laboratory building.『9words』

13、Is the science lab in front of the library?『9words』

14、The guards in front of the gate inquired in advance.『10words』

15、Used in front of the antecedent of a relative clause『10words』

16、He fell down with a shout in front of me.『10words』

17、Displays a message box in front of the specified window.『10words』

18、Walking slowly, the front suddenly open, presented in front of a lotus pond.『13words』

19、Don't walk behind others. The people in front will always fart in front of you.『15words』

20、In spite of lots of it in front of me, I only take a little『15words』

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子(29句)

in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子

21、In front of money and in front of you, I did not hesitate to choose you.『16words』

22、There were too many people in front of me, so I could hardly see the front.『16words』

23、Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you.『17words』

24、I was gazing out the front window with all my concentration at a tree in front of us.『18words』

25、As a superior, they generally love face in front of their subordinates, especially in front of their female subordinates.『19words』

26、In poor countries, stripping is naked in front of others. In rich countries, stripping in front of others is a beautiful self-confidence.『22words』

27、In the Rue Traversiere, in front of the Bland workshop, and in the yard of the Maison-Brulee, in front of tool-maker Bernier's, groups whispered together.『25words』

28、In the front, two one-meter-wide passages are separated by ropes. In front of them are two nine palaces, and in front of them is a grandstand.『26words』

29、In today's Audi's the engine hangs in front of the front axle, and obviously bringing the engine back will help with mass centralization and front-rear weight balance.『27words』

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