

1、a militant political activist.『4words』

2、always militant in struggle『4words』

3、He is a militant reformer.『5words』

4、militant friendship and revolutionary unity『5words』

5、The Hunanese peasantry became very militant.『6words』



6、strong fighting will; militant and daring『6words』

7、It became the voice of militant abolitionism.『7words』

8、Nothing could foul up their militant spirit.『7words』

9、NAACP and other militant Negro groups counseled resistance.『8words』

10、One militant was captured, while two others fled.『8words』



11、My favorite songs are: militantmilitant songs and relaxed folk songs.『10words』

12、The speaker was shouted down by militant union members .『10words』

13、Still, there was danger of their becoming ugly and militant.『10words』

14、A few militant members of the crowd attacked the vendor.『10words』

15、They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organisations.『11words』

16、The militant members of the group were in favor of expelling him.『12words』

17、In recent years it has been losing ground to its militant rival, Hamas.『13words』

18、But Ambassador Haqqani rejects the notion that the peace deals fuel militant activity.『13words』

19、But he says the United States is opposed to striking deals with militant leaders.『14words』

20、Our misfortune is that we have ushered in a regime that is militant, aggressive, arbitrary, and persistent.『17words』



21、An Islamic militant jailed over a deadly bomb attack on the island of Sulawesi escapes prison, officials say.『18words』

22、tracks like @Stir It Up@ and @Kinky Reggae@---with their Jamaican roots, militant politics, and guitar rock patina ---『18words』

23、Palestanian say they've begun restricting militant weapon use, a step toward Israel's long-standing demand to dismantle armed militant groups.『19words』

24、a militant organization of Irish nationalists who use guerrilla warfare in an effort to achieve a united independent Ireland.『19words』

25、Indian officials have repeatedly said they suspect the attacks were carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba, a Pakistan-based Kashmiri militant group.『19words』

26、The biggest of the militant Islamist groups which aspire to the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state of Palestine.『23words』

27、Police were investigating a suspected militant safe house when the gunfight broke out. Four police officers were injured and an Algerian suspect was killed.『24words』

28、H1N1 has left 11 people dead in Afghanistan, where hundreds of Afghan and international troops are battling the disease and facing a rising militant insurgency.『25words』

29、According to the investigation, the author obtains the actuality of the militant spirit cultivation in air force aviation, which is helpful to improve the cultivation of the militant spirit.『29words』


上一篇:in front of造句,用in front of怎么造句子(29句)