

1、piece frozen peeled prawn『4words』

2、keep one's eyes peeled『4words』

3、Have you peeled the potatoes?『5words』

4、He peeled off his shirt.『5words』

5、4 cups of chopped, peeled peaches.『6words』



6、When I was sunburnt,my skin peeled.『6words』

7、whole peeled tamato in tomato sauce『6words』

8、She peeled and quartered an apple.『6words』

9、he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes.『6words』

10、My skin peeled when I got sunburnt.『7words』



11、One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers.『8words』

12、He felled, peeled, and hewed his own timber.『8words』

13、One squadron r=# cc0066>peeled off to attack enemy bombers.『9words』

14、Leather industry leather cutter, peeled knife, knife-cut leather Park.『9words』

15、The cook's helper slung the peeled potatoes into a huge enamel pot.『12words』

16、He peeled off another twenty and looked around, waving bills in the air.『13words』

17、The paint has peeled off, carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.『13words』

18、But this photoresist was then peeled off, leaving only a pure metal on metal bond.『15words』

19、The leading pair of planes peeled away, one to the right and one to the left.『16words』

20、Affects to the fiber and fabrics performance of the extent of ultra-fine wool scales that peeled off『17words』



21、Only bring me a newly peeled reed, and slit it, that I may cut the child's life from mine.『19words』

22、The peeled log construction and long, gabled roof is reverent to the traditional longhouse structures of the Southern Salish peoples.『20words』

23、Peanuts, walnuts, sesame, fried, peas peeled and soaked, red beans have become a big bowl of dry sweet bean paste.『20words』

24、Every woman carried in her right hand a peeled willow wand, and in her left a bunch of white flowers.『20words』

25、I waited at the window at dawn, the darkness was peeled off, the birds cried, and the rules of silence were awakened.『22words』

26、Grandma Bear was so worried that she put down her kitchen knife and peeled off the cabbage leaves one by one with her hand.『24words』

27、I remember seeing a young mum in my greengrocer blanch when her little darling grabbed a banana, peeled it and then took a bite.『24words』

28、The peeled film has improved adhering between the base and the peeled layer and high peeling strength between the peeled layer and the adhered body.『25words』

29、The tortoise climbed over, peeled off its skin, peeled off one layer, and another layer, bamboo shoots bulging body, it is indeed wearing many layers of clothes.『27words』

