drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子

1、Perhaps you could drop by『5words』

2、And, softly dripping, drop by drop.『6words』

3、She and Danny will drop by later.『7words』

4、Only very close friends drop by unannounced.『7words』

5、(cause sb/sth to)drop by parachute from an aircraft『8words』

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子

6、The water leaked from the tap drop by drop.『9words』

7、Thee water leaked from the tap drop by drop.『9words』

8、The water falls from the tap drop by drop.『9words』

9、Only very close friends will just "drop by" unannounced.『9words』

10、People just drop by and knock on your door.『9words』

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子

11、enter drop by drop, as of medication into an eye.『10words』

12、Some were even curious enough to drop by and observe.『10words』

13、the introduction of a liquid (by pouring or injection) drop by drop.『12words』

14、medical apparatus that puts a liquid into a cavity drop by drop.『12words』

15、Too much woe or rue would drain my life drop by drop.『12words』

16、Pearls fell drop by drop, as subterranean waters filter in their caves.『12words』

17、Save and save, accumulate less into more, drop by drop, merge into rivers.『13words』

18、Ms Wheelan forecasts that it will drop by another 9% by March 2009.『13words』

19、Moreover, rice yields will drop by 10% for every degree the temperature increases.『13words』

20、Rain drops, like broken beads, drop by drop on the pools formed by rainwater.『14words』

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)

drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子

21、Rain dripped onto my clothes drop by drop from the eaves of the thatched cottage.『15words』

22、The rain slowly flowed down the eaves and began to drop by drop, gradually forming a thin line.『18words』

23、Miss a person's taste, like drinking a glass of cold water, and then drop by drop into tears.『18words』

24、Rain, still falling, knocked on the lake drop by drop, and from time to time hurt my heart.『18words』

25、So, to Ursula's ear, the tune fell out, drop by drop, from the unseen sky on the dusky town.『19words』

26、Silently eavesdropping, the sleepless Fairy Princess knitted helplessly with tears, bit by bit, string by string, drop by drop into the bedroom.『22words』

27、He took his life from this earth; drop bydrop by his sweat he wrung food from it and from the food, silver.『22words』

28、Rain drop by drop to play in the heart, tears drop by drop on the face, this is the rhythm of the separation.『23words』

29、It is characterized by the use of cold water to Cuilian to 40 drops per minute rate, drop by drop slowly learn the essence of coffee.『26words』

以上是为大家整理的“drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)”,转载请注明:https://www.pp-health.com/juzi/353393.html。
