

1、awizard's magical hat『3words』

2、The effect was magical.『4words』

3、Wordss have a magical power.『5words』

4、Wonder: An object of magical power.『6words』

5、You said you'd achieved great magical power.『7words』



6、I fear losing this wondrously magical city.『7words』

7、Love is magical power coming from within.『7words』

8、She believed the river had magical powers.『7words』

9、Will Yemen’s magical island manage to stay aloof?『8words』

10、It is later discovered that she possessed magical power.『9words』



11、Was it supposed to have religious or magical significance?『9words』

12、How prosaic, and yet how magical such paragraphs are!『9words』

13、Did the magical power of teacher exactly arrive how position?『10words』

14、Since he lived in the magical forest he has magical powers.『11words』

15、Now I believe that music works a magical potion, a magical spell on us.『14words』

16、This tarrying with the negative is the magical power that converts it into being.『14words』

17、That was probably the first time I felt the magical power of words and literature.『15words』

18、In one of the kingdom's remote villages, there was a priest who had magical power.『15words』

19、The belief that there is magical power in the metal silver goes back to ancient Greece.『16words』

20、There are two characteristics of the economy of magical power. The first is "consuming is producing".『16words』



21、In fact, it recaptures the true magical tradition of the Tarot as few decks have ever done.『17words』

22、He undergoes many dangerous magical transformations and consorts with those considered the "worst" of the wizarding world (CS18).『18words』

23、ABSTRACT: If you've never had dessert wine, trust us when we tell you that it can be magical.『18words』

24、In this beautiful lakeside wetland, there are many famous magical springs, the most attractive is the magical virgin springs.『19words』

25、H erbology is the study of magical plants and fungi, including their care and their magical properties and uses.『19words』

26、The procedure is totally painless completely intoxicating and one of the most magical moments you'll experience during your pregnancy.『19words』

27、CX: on magical realism, I think Borges is a magical realist, but none of his works are about the real world.『21words』

28、Also that dungeon had magical portals because it's the type of dungeon that would have magical portals. It wouldn't have magical portals if it was a normal cave.『28words』

29、What gives the play most of its hypnotic, magical atmosphere is the series of dreamlike events it stages, such as the tempest, the magical banquet, and the wedding masque.『29words』


上一篇:drop by造句,用drop by怎么造句子(29句)