

1、The aviator pilots his airplane.『5words』

2、Many pilots tried. All failed.『5words』

3、Budget airlines pilots cut corners.『5words』

4、Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?『6words』

5、Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.『7words』



6、Test pilots try to push the envelope.『7words』

7、Many pilots are suffering from low morale.『7words』

8、There are no good pilots, only old pilots.『8words』

9、Those pilots are notoriously poor night flyers .『8words』

10、The commander messaged "well done" to his pilots.『8words』



11、There are no good pilots - only old pilots.『9words』

12、Dogfights have broken out between Turkish and Greek pilots.『9words』

13、The pilots were told to descend to 2-2,000 feet.『9words』

14、The new rules apply only to pilots of passenger airlines.『10words』

15、Over Africa, the two pilots struggled with continuous stormy weather.『10words』

16、Despite long suffering, the pilots looked healthy in brand-new uniforms.『10words』

17、People with greater certainty about their emotions are better pilots of their lives.『13words』

18、These two pilots are reduced to hurling wrenches in mid-air and throwing punches.『13words』

19、there are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are, however, no old bold pilots.『16words』

20、Also, the basic training of their pilots will make it a turkey shoot for our pilots.『16words』



21、They did that by being instructor pilots, they were test pilots, they also did aerial gunnery.『16words』

22、There are also two mechanical pilots to take charge if the human pilots cannot fly the plane.『17words』

23、To stop the pilots from drinking, the government started to suspend all pilots caught drinking for three months.『18words』

24、The Independent Pilots Association has filed a lawsuit asking the government to set one level of safety for all pilots.『20words』

25、Objective To investigate the present health state of fighter pilots, in order to sternghten the aeromedical support of high performance fighter pilots.『22words』

26、The basic principle is to filter the clipping noise on the positions of pilots in the frequency domain directly before the insertion of pilots.『24words』

27、Within a day, most of the qualified pilots were given the chance to fly alone. After the test flight, the pilots praised the aircraft very much.『26words』

28、Some airline safety experts say the shortage could pose risks because pilots may be made to fly more routes and new pilots do not have enough flying experience.『28words』

29、For instance, it's telling that for the first time this past year, the Air Force graduated more pilots of unmanned aerial vehicles than pilots of fighters and bombers.『28words』

