

1、Here, you're a pioneer.『4words』

2、I was a young pioneer.『5words』

3、The pioneer expression of clothes.『5words』

4、A pioneer should have imagination.『5words』

5、pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry (1826-1866).『5words』



6、What happens to the pioneer spirit?『6words』

7、Stephen Crane--pioneer of American naturalistic literature;『6words』

8、Apollos must come there for pioneer work.『7words』

9、Steve Freeman - Agile Software Development pioneer.『7words』

10、Jesus was truly a pioneer in his time.『8words』



11、Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education.『9words』

12、Another pioneer was John von Neumann, a Hungarian mathematician.『9words』

13、He helped pioneer the use of checklists in American hospitals.『10words』

14、Chen Wen Hsi is one of the Singapore's pioneer artists.『10words』

15、In doing so, he was an early pioneer of comparative neuroanatomy.『11words』

16、Toto, as the market leader and technological pioneer, sells 1.5m of them a year.『14words』

17、Company Information: We are one of the pioneer companies in trading and contracting field.『14words』

18、LI Da is a pioneer and initiator of propagating and researching Marxist philosophy in China.『15words』

19、Dr Pratten a radiologist was a pioneer of the Geographe region and a pioneer of viticulture.『16words』

20、The novel was praised as one of the most powerful novels that chronicled pioneer life in America.『17words』



21、After small numbers of pioneer emigrants made a successful start, they sent for their relatives and friends.『17words』

22、Many shady tolerant plant species have occurred naturally, while the pioneer shrub species have been limited or superseded.『18words』

23、The pose and saying of the pioneer The parallel being of LuXun s noval and the pioneer s noval;『19words』

24、AI pioneer Margaret Boden, professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex, praised the progress of such discussions.『19words』

25、Does it affect the world, so like when you go into pioneer time, does the world go into pioneer times?『20words』

26、To the rest of the planet, he was a pioneer, a hero of galactic proportions and the ultimate propaganda weapon.『20words』

27、Pierre: I I think you're downplaying the possible impact of such a discovery. I think you'll be recognized as a pioneer, a real trailblazer.『24words』

28、HiChina is the pioneer of domain name registration services, hosting services in China pioneer, a leading Chinese business mail services and website construction services in China innovator.『27words』

29、Therefore, we are in the process of development of human society pioneer, change the Angle of observation, we and today's advanced countries is also to take care of the latter as a pioneer.『33words』

