apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子(29句)

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子

1、apply for a headship『4words』

2、Please apply for tax registration for foreigners.『7words』

3、Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.『7words』

4、How do I apply for the grant?『7words』

5、Why do you apply for the position?『7words』

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子(29句)

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子

6、apply for a job, post, passport, visa『7words』

7、she decide what jobs I apply for『7words』

8、He have to apply for an ouster order.『8words』

9、I think you should apply for this grant.『8words』

10、It's time for me to apply for some leave.『9words』

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子(29句)

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子

11、You can apply for citizenship after five years' residency.『9words』

12、Yes, they can apply for your trademark registration for you.『10words』

13、Yes. They will apply for the registration of your trademark.『10words』

14、To apply for mining registration and receiving the license for mining.『11words』

15、To compensate for your pressure, you have to apply for additional compensation.『12words』

16、The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.『13words』

17、How to apply for human resources management division, how to pro forma, please add.『14words』

18、Apply for the club, the original masters please apply for posts published in this version!『15words』

19、Don't write off jobs that don't sound perfect for you — apply for them anyway!『15words』

20、I'm convinced of your ability for that job, so just go and apply for it.『15words』

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子(29句)

apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子

21、Her husband had been absent for five years, forcing her to apply for divorce in court.『16words』

22、Unless otherwise specified, all geometric tolerances apply for full depth, length, and width of the feature.『16words』

23、New registered user can apply for free calling time, one account and one mobile nubmer can apply once.『18words』

24、 Workers were confused about who to apply for laser printing paper and who to apply for demagnetization of the monitor.『21words』

25、There are 23 travel agencies to apply for their own dissolution, there are 14 travel agencies to apply for suspension of business.『22words』

26、Where the citizen who has the right to apply for administrative reconsideration deceases, his or her close relatives may apply for administrative reconsideration.『23words』

27、Article 30 The present Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to foreign enterprises which apply for the commission of their permanent representatives in China.『23words』

28、If parents apply for an insurance of persons on their minor children, the restriction stipulated in paragraph one of this Article shall not apply.『24words』

29、If you are unemployed and the employment service offers you a job or a Labour market programme to apply for you should apply for it.『25words』

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