


2、He has honestly studied history.『5words』

3、He honestly converted to Christianity.『5words』

4、I didn't tell anyone, honestly『5words』

5、Yes, honestly it works for me.『6words』



6、“I feel older," Shemsen replied honestly.『6words』

7、avoid answering(a question) fully or honestly『6words』

8、That Commission was elected honestly, wasn't it?『7words』

9、didn't prevaricate But answered forthrightly and honestly.『7words』

10、I honestly hadn't realized I was supposed to.『8words』



11、I hope that money was honestly come by.『8words』

12、Do you honestly think the car is hers?『8words』

13、I'm paraphrasing but this is honestly what he said.『9words』

14、Speak honestly, but with reserve, from personal experience and knowledge.『10words』

15、Whenever you say “I love you”, please say it honestly.无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意。『10words』

16、I honestly think it will be a big surge for our business.『12words』

17、Today let me make all of my decisions, big and small, honestly and courageously.『14words』

18、Then honestly, your eyes are a little far apart. kind of like a flounder.『14words』

19、Whatever your social fault may be, look at it honestly, and really try to correct it.『16words』

20、The election was conducted fairly, openly and honestly under the supervision of the Electoral Affairs Commission.『16words』



21、Business philosophy: to do things in a down-to-earth way, to serve the customers honestly and honestly and honestly.『18words』

22、Do they know and understand what it means to treat others fairly, honestly, civilly, and to behave responsibly?『18words』

23、The best approach, the kind truth method, involves honestly empathizing with the manager's situation, and expressing that empathy.『18words』

24、Prospective students should be encouraged to ask themselves, and answer as honestly and objectively as possible, the following questions.『19words』

25、This communiqué was unique in honestly setting forth differences rather than trying to cover them up with diplomatic double talk.『20words』

26、honestly, I don't believe it; candidly, I think she doesn't have a conscience; frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.『21words』

27、Unfortunately, Steven knew that he was right and wrong. He could only succumb to Lindy's lewdness, change his position with Lindy and drive honestly.『24words』

28、We should implement the system under which leading cadres report in various ways on their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly.『24words』

29、The Zen of life is to break through the stubborn nest of the self, to express the inner atmosphere of peace and peace, to face the wind and rain of life honestly and honestly, is the deepest insight into life, and is also a kind of natural vitality.『48words』


上一篇:apply for造句,用apply for怎么造句子(29句)