

1、It's too flashy.『3words』

2、Nothing flashy or expensive.『4words』

3、flashy clothes, jewellery, etc『4words』

4、This argument is mostly flashy.『5words』

5、 Empty pomp or show; flashy display.『7words』



6、Direct and simple way, without being flashy.『7words』

7、Tremendous graphic design, and beautiful navigation - flashy『8words』

8、“He's putting on a flashy show," Anderson explains.『8words』

9、But that's not what makes the role so flashy.『9words』

10、And those brands tend to be much more flashy.『9words』



11、I hate advertisements that are flashy, bland, or self deceiving.『10words』

12、She flattered me with flashy words. I disliked her flattery.『10words』

13、Rock is also used to describe an especially large, flashy ring.『11words』

14、Another beautiful night, this beauty, no flashy, just emitting a simple fluorescence.『12words』

15、笑那浮华落尽 月*如洗 At the flashy fall moonlight wash笑那悄然而逝 飞花万盏Laugh quietly fly 10000『12words』

16、“A bright, flashy capital where you can be loud and extrovert,” comments another.『13words』

17、The new look isn't very flashy, but it's clean and works extremely well.『13words』

18、In retrospect, the flashy Title seemed forgivable for the flashy ideas of management leaders.『14words』

19、That's very thoughtful of you, Eric, but it will be pretty low-key, nothing flashy.『14words』

20、Because of its high reliability and compatibility, it is extensively used for creating flashy and animated images.『17words』



21、Phoenix, in this way has been busy quiet, watching people come and go, watching the world flashy.『17words』

22、Cheeks are slightly feverish, warm hearts, whispering, skimming the flashy world, mooring, happiness spreads and peace snuggles in.『18words』

23、As good batsmen know, big innings are built by notching up single runs early-the flashy shots can follow later.『19words』

24、They, dressed to the nines in showy outlandish garb and flashy jewellery, took part in the New Year's float parade.『20words』

25、A bone-piercing suction, Guan'er's glance, the more exhausted the dust, along with the heart's tremor, obliterated the flashy and noisy.『20words』

26、The tiny love ballad comes from the equally small Irish film "Once," and defeated three flashy songs from Disney musical blockbuster "Enchanted."『22words』

27、Robbie: Well, a wristwatch, so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. Nothing flashy or expensive. Something simple-but a good one.『24words』

28、WalletPop says: We too mourn the loss of the home birthday party -- the one with a homemade cake, some backyard games and no flashy goodie bags.『27words』

29、Koreans have the habit to walk with their hands behind their back, men rarely wear light and flashy colors. Thats an excusion to the centary of the revolutionaries.『28words』

