

1、She zipped her jeans.『4words』

2、The truck zipped along.『4words』

3、He zipped his case shut.『5words』

4、She zipped up her dress.『5words』

5、He zipped his bag open [closed].『6words』



6、I zipped the tent flaps shut.『6words』

7、I zipped and buttoned my jacket.『6words』

8、The lie can not is zipped properly.『7words』

9、He zipped up his coat before going out.『8words』

10、The children were safely zipped into their sleeping bags.『9words』



11、Time zipped by and the year was soon over.『9words』

12、His flying jacket can be zipped up at the front.『10words』

13、He zipped up his jacket. = He zipped his jacket up.『11words』

14、Perhaps all the graphics should be zipped up into one archive?『11words』

15、Everyone in the streets zipped up their overcoat to keep warm.『11words』

16、She zipped through her homework, and then went to a movie.『11words』

17、All major office suites now save their documents in zipped XML by default.『13words』

18、Extract the license server zipped file to c: Temp, and then click the setup.exe file.『16words』

19、Occasionally, you'll run into a downloaded file which needs to be decompressed or un-zipped before installation.『16words』

20、The stretcher had an open body bag on it, and they zipped it up around the body.『17words』



21、Immediately, the free goose zipped down to the deck and stood by the cage with his mate.『17words』

22、It's been said for millennia, but it bears repeating: just keep it zipped, boys, just keep it zipped.『18words』

23、Boys will love the "bandit" printed hoodie, which can be zipped down over the eyes, enabling great games of make-believe.『20words』

24、The lanky 24-year-old aquarium technician zipped into his wet suit and headed to Marina State Beach, two miles from his apartment.『21words』

25、Finally, the.dex file and other application resources are zipped up as an APK file that can be installed on an Android device.『22words』

26、Suddenly a meteor zipped across low, and because of my angle in the mountains, I could see it skip across the atmosphere.『22words』

27、They were a kind of rubber outer boot that he zipped or clipped up over his dress shoes. They were also called galoshes.『23words』

28、The body of an 18-year-old girl who was struck and killed by a stray bullet, is zipped into a body bag July 29, 2003 in Monrovia, Liberia.『27words』

29、Another easy way to do this is to use the sample application zipped at the end of this article as the base and copy the libraries from there (see Downloads).『30words』

