

1、DC-electromagnet double-shoe brakes『3words』

2、The brakes wouldn't act.『4words』

3、BRAKES: Are your brakes mushy?『5words』

4、The mechanic installed new brakes.『5words』

5、apply [put on] the brakes『5words』



6、Reducers, brakes and other lifting devices.『6words』

7、PTEN is like the brakes, he said.『7words』

8、I told you the brakes were squeaking.『7words』

9、His brakes failed on a slippery road.『7words』

10、Improves deceleration by drying and priming brakes『7words』



11、Have you had the brakes and tires checked?『8words』

12、in running (or working) order; a functional set of brakes.『10words』

13、My uncle must put the brakes on my traveling plans.『10words』

14、Driving in a hilly town is hell on the brakes.『10words』

15、But knocking out SOCS3 showed the dangers of taking the immune brakes off.『13words』

16、Secure self-locking output for butterfly valves dampers without the use of additional brakes.『13words』

17、The driver clapped on his brakes and the car came to a screeching halt.『14words』

18、SHELLY CLEAVER: "It was the first Ford product to have self-adjusting brakes on it."『14words』

19、Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front.『15words』

20、According to the rules, participants must drive at top speed and not apply their brakes.『15words』



21、ZL series ballast serve to connect YEJ electromagnetic brake 3-phase motors and electromagnetic brakes (DZS series).『16words』

22、With the brakes on, people choose for the future; without the brakes they choose for the short-term gain.『18words』

23、She told me Rebecca can definitely ride a bike but was afraid of yours because they don't have brakes.『19words』

24、In another, rear disc brakes, once standard on all Jettas, have been replaced by cheaper drum brakes on some versions.『20words』

25、You either have foot brakes, like on the beach cruisers, or you have hand brakes. They're very easy to get used to.『22words』

26、As the brake lever and shifter are one unit, there are two versions, one for cable brakes and one for hydraulic disc brakes.『23words』

27、Drum brakes have more parts than disc brakes and harder to service, but they are less expensive to manufacture, and they easily incorporate an emergency brake mechanism.『27words』

28、Toyota also admitted that there have been problems with the brakes in the latest Prius, which it now claims to have fixed; it is investigating the brakes of its other hybrid models.『32words』

29、When a customer asked about his use of cable-operated brakes, long after other car makers had switched to hydraulic brakes, Bugatti replied, "Monsieur, I make my cars to go, not to stop."『32words』

