

1、The government should ensure equality of opportunity for all children.『1words』

2、gender-equality dimensions『2words』

3、Liberty, equality. Fraternity?『3words』

4、Fair equality of opportunity.『4words』

5、predicate logic with equality『4words』



6、Third, equality and mutual benefit.『5words』

7、the privilege of citizenship [equality]『5words』

8、Europe is not a gender-equality heaven.『6words』

9、Principle of equality and equal security『6words』

10、Does chivalrous behavior go against gender equality『7words』



11、We uphold the principle of racial equality.『7words』

12、Many people hold different substantive views about marriage equality.『9words』

13、The Canadian government is committed to advancing the equality.『9words』

14、It helps to equalize, and we believe in equality.『9words』

15、This is an issue of equality, opportunity and national conscience.『10words』

16、The nationality language equality is the main part of the nationality equality.『12words』

17、The Original Meaning of the Equality of Public Burden--On the principle of equality for taxation;『15words』

18、I do not believe in equality of capacity, but I do believe in equality of opportunity.『16words』

19、When judging equality and efficiency, the different meanings of equality and efficiency have to be identified.『16words』

20、On comprehensive connotation of equality between men and women--A survey of equality between men and women in China;『18words』



21、Equality of the standing point is impossible,and equality of result is not desirable and only equality of opportunity is true equality.『21words』

22、On the equality in the modern legal system --the subjective qualification of equality, the reality and value of the legal equality『21words』

23、In fact, equality has its epochal significance, but in modern commodity economy society, more important than equality is to encourage competition.『21words』

24、People are different from each other. People can not regard equality before the law as equality, that is, equal treatment and equality.『22words』

25、Then we can use the system as the theoretical basis of nationality equality and make sure that the right of nationality equality can be achieved.『25words』

26、Although the phrase was used by this country's founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity.『25words』

27、In fact, freedom and equality do not need to give up their noses, just relax their minds and promote the spirit of freedom and equality.『25words』

28、For the range of the effect of the right of equality, the author's standpoint is the right of equality should include the equality of legislation, enforcement and law-abidance.『28words』

29、We are all interested in equality, but while some people try to protect the school and examination system in the name of equality, other, still in the name of equality, want only to destroy it.『35words』

