

1、SONG: confidential copier『3words』

2、digital plain paper copier『4words』

3、a tabletop copier; tabletop sculpture.『5words』

4、A copier of ancient manuscripts.『5words』

5、That's a great new copier.『5words』



6、There's something wrong with this copier.『6words』

7、I'm here to fix the copier.『6words』

8、This copier ran out of paper.『6words』

9、Shoot! The copier is set for reducing.『7words』

10、Oh, dear! The copier is out of order again.『9words』



11、This copier has a three-month guarantee for all repairs.『9words』

12、No one has time to worry about copier problems.『9words』

13、With it, you can produce 22 copier a minute.『9words』

14、Do you know how to set the copier for reducing (enlarging)?『11words』

15、Other theme sites have copied his themes. One such theme copier is WP-Sphere.『13words』

16、This copier copies everything from book pages to documents, including picture in any color.『14words』

17、Nor is it OK to snuggle up behind the copier with your latest crush.『14words』

18、At that time, the average business copier produced an average of only 15-20 copies per day.『16words』

19、It's simple. It's versatile. It's fast It's intelligent It's powerful It's everything a copier philosophy should Be.『17words』

20、And if you're the guy I like, the one currently un-jamming the copier, DO call me later.『17words』



21、Guangzhou and Ze ink co., Ltd., a professional wholesale, copier toner, printer toner, fax toner, carrier, cartridge-based.『17words』

22、As one of the most important part of copier, Fuser plays an important role in copier image marking system.『19words』

23、Replace what you've used. For example, fill up the copier or printer with paper after you're done using it.『19words』

24、At the rate it is being used, the photo copier is not going to make it through the rest of the year.『22words』

25、If someone goes to use the copier and they see a group of people sitting there, they might stop and have a conversation.『23words』

26、Someone else reported on Twitter that the copier guy had just delivered a box of paper to their office, as if nothing had happened.『24words』

27、And go out of your way: Hit a bathroom or a copier on another floor — and take the stairs, of course. Burns 100.『24words』

28、The message "He's lying" was placed in the copier, and police pressed the copy button each time they thought the suspect wasn't telling the truth.『25words』

29、Chesbrough and Rosenbloom illustrate the importance of the business model with a case study of Xerox Corporation's early days in the copy machine business with its Xerox model 914 copier.『30words』

