

1、Is the data timely『4words』

2、The example is timely.『4words』

3、Incident investigation should be timely.『5words』

4、News reports must be timely.『5words』

5、a timely blessing or benefit.『5words』



6、The two Zhengzhou Meetings were most timely.『7words』

7、offer fuel on snowy weather; timely assistance『7words』

8、Promote deployment of timely and personalized content.『7words』

9、The system needs transparency and timely information.『7words』

10、Check whether the cathode poor contact, timely adjust.『8words』



11、Result All wounded person get timely and effective cure.『9words』

12、This facilitates rapid development of projects and timely deliveries.『9words』

13、This helps the whole organization improve in a timely manner.『10words』

14、Ensure timely preparation and arrangement for selection, interview and recruitment.『10words』

15、Timely report and motivate subordinates to timely report any accident/incident/near miss.『11words』

16、The book also takes on the timely issue of corporate governance.『11words』

17、Lead, track and coordinates customer changes (DCR) process, and ensures timely completion.『12words』

18、Check the site tem/humidity in BMS system timely, especially the lab area.『12words』

19、The company's products Seiko manufacturing, quality, variety complete, timely supply and reasonable price.『13words』

20、“Replace timely worn or damaged electric brush. Remove timely dusts, small pieces and etc."『14words』



21、At the core of the Portfolio Management discipline is timely and accurate information about initiatives.『15words』

22、Anyone who pursue fame, should be timely forsake the vain glory, and a rare art show, in a timely manner.『20words』

23、Refuse bags of refuse bins in living quarters shall be timely replaced. Refuse bins shall be timely cleaned and covered.『20words』

24、The G20 scheme is both good and timely, but the bits that are timely are not good and those that are good are not timely.『25words』

25、a timely warning; with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery; a seasonable time for discussion; the book's publication was well timed.『25words』

26、Far from cervical disease, is not tickler, as long as regular gynecological examination, timely abnormalities are found, timely symptomatic treatment, cervical disease was very good heal.『26words』

27、Once appear campus food hygiene security incident, will for the first time rapid response and timely report, timely and accurate down to the loss disposal, minimum degree.『27words』

28、This activity used the open classroom instruction as well as timely replying questions timely programming training so that MSTC gave students a preliminary understanding of the programming ideas.『28words』

29、The reason is probably the source of the data in the unit's first-priority data has not been updated in a timely manner, please inform, in order to deal with in a timely manner.『33words』

