

1、Mr.Hu would not budge.『4words』

2、But will Hamas budge『4words』

3、But craigslist refused to budge.『5words』

4、Don't you stir nor budge.『5words』

5、The government refused to budge.『5words』



6、The Bedouin are refusing to budge.『6words』

7、She won't budge from her opinions.『6words』

8、He was unable to budge the boulder.『7words』

9、Her mother refused to budge from Omaha.『7words』

10、He won't budge an inch on the issue.『8words』



11、However, the owner wouldn't budge and stood there rigidly.『9words』

12、He will not budge on the retirement age itself.『9words』

13、Before I could budge it was all shriveled up.『9words』

14、I concluded that the local parent company would not budge.『10words』

15、I heaved with all my might but still couldn't budge it.『11words』

16、You won't even budge on this one. I can't stand it!『11words』

17、Morrow wouldn't budge and repeatedly told me that the column wouldn't post.『12words』

18、The book publishing world remains able to make the mighty Amazon budge.『12words』

19、Tyler was ready to compromise on the banking question, but Clay would not budge.『14words』

20、The Yanks may budge on the money to continue their recent quest to inflate their farm system.『17words』



21、If it doesn't budge, you do it again. "Excuse me, please. I have things to make." nudge, nudge.『18words』

22、If you feel that you're right, stick to your guns, and don't let anyone persuade you to budge an inch.『20words』

23、He is, above all, a strategist who reflects deeply upon problems and, once his mind is made, is hard to budge.『21words』

24、Government spending, as a share of GDP, didnot budge much even under Reagan and is much as it was when he left office.『23words』

25、Some food items may come down modestly as commodities prices cool off; others might not budge a cent and some may actually increase.『23words』

26、I gave it my Special Jury Prize, which is sort of an equal first; no movie was going to budge "Juno" off the top of my list.『27words』

27、Refusing to budge from his pose come day or night and absorbed in his own thoughts, this man is a monument to the fluidity and obstinacy of such spaces.『29words』

28、“By now Granny Liu had seated herself on the edge of the kang, and Baner took refuge behind her. Coaxed to come forward and bow, he would not budge."『29words』

29、And, this paper quotes the case that ac power enterprise's budget audit to verify the feasibility of the budge audit project management method which base on the theory of life-cycle in practice.『32words』


上一篇:bring up造句,用bring up怎么造句子(29句)