

1、“Who's taken our firewood?"『4words』

2、I'll go gather firewood.『4words』

3、The wet firewood smokes badly.『5words』

4、A box for holding firewood.『5words』

5、The firewood was in flames.『5words』



6、Two young girls were collecting firewood.『6words』

7、The Yankees done burned it to firewood.『7words』

8、The firewood was cut and bundled .『7words』

9、Its dangerous to stack the firewood here.『7words』

10、To carry firewood to put out a fire『8words』



11、She says she will survive by gathering firewood.『8words』

12、She doesn't chop it down to sell the firewood.『9words』

13、The heavy oaken furniture had been axed, used for firewood.『10words』

14、Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood.『10words』

15、The firewood may include bundles of pine, cypress, holly, and pomegranate twigs.『12words』

16、About 56 percent of total energy use comes from traditional biomass-mostly firewood.『12words』

17、He has already sawn the branches up; now we have plenty of firewood.『13words』

18、I do not fire people collecting firewood Wang, a high flame people collecting firewood.『14words』

19、When the islanders cleared the forests for firewood and farming, the forests didn't grow back.『15words』

20、You can't put out the flames of a cartload of firewood with a cup of water.『16words』



21、A cold heart, may not need much firewood, can cover warm, as long as the season's red leaves.『18words』

22、Earlier, firewood was often not enough at home. Mother could not rest and carried firewood whenever she saw time.『19words』

23、The family will be brewing Dumao firewood, constantly hot, eat to the East and west, support the intestines and stomach.『20words』

24、The rise of play, he was not careful, firewood knife cut to the side piled up on the mountains of firewood.『21words』

25、Laner did not have much energy, and cut so many firewood, she was really tired, so put down the firewood load, let Rong elder brother help.『26words』

26、 At dawn, the owner of the family went to fetch firewood from the firewood house and was shocked to see the figure of Lai Chao.『26words』

27、The firewood stove of the utility model has the advantages that the feeding door is arranged on the table top of the stove body to feed firewood conveniently.『28words』

28、Wine-and-meat Brothers; firewood-and-rice husband and wife-The serving of meat and wine strengthens the ties of Brotherhood the provision of rice and firewood, the Bonds Between husband and wife『28words』

29、It was freezing there and she had to chop firewood for warmth. She said she could eat any bitterness, but she could not chop the firewood, but she still waited hard.『31words』

