


2、Low 'herd immunity'.『3words』

3、Ill herd make fat wolves.『5words』

4、To herd(grazing animals) into pasturable land.『6words』

5、They seemed part of herd, undistinguished.『6words』



6、You know, sort of, herd mentality?『6words』

7、a herd of cattle [elephant(s), whale(s)]『6words』

8、Habit rules the unreflecting herd (William Wordsworth).『7words』

9、Predatorsx were a threat to the herd.『7words』

10、the act of driving a herd of animals overland.『9words』



11、Why can't the herd be thinned the old-fashioned way?『9words』

12、The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.『10words』

13、He spent much moeny grading up his herd of cattle.『10words』

14、A herd of words roams on this forlorn paper without boundary.『11words』

15、Grunt: Warchief, we've spotted a herd of marauders bearing down on us!『12words』

16、To allure many from the herd — for that purpose have I come.『13words』

17、Their floating "herd" cities also have space-worthy counterparts, traveling the space-lanes like huge caravans.『14words』

18、Ultimate measure of dairy herd improve and establish elite cow herd is dairy breeding work.『15words』

19、Still others, such as the collie and the Welsh corgi, can herd farm or range animals.『16words』

20、Theodore Roosevelt once fired a rancher who stole some neighboring cattle and added them to Roosevelt's herd.『17words』



21、It is said that the Border Collie descends from dogs used by the Vikings to herd reindeer.『17words』

22、Every time I heard her heart go galloping like a herd of horses, it made her more real.『18words』

23、Being worked out herd early selection plan is one of the most important tasks to dairy herd breeding .『19words』

24、An elephant family is led by a matriarch, with the matriarch being the oldest and most experienced of the herd.『20words』

25、He sees plenty of room for growth — Russia's beef herd is less than one percent the size of the American herd.『22words』

26、Swine herd production is core of routine on swine farm, and benefit of swine farm directly was shown as mainly level of swine herd production.『25words』

27、One day, as the herd funneled through a gully at the tree line, Karsten and Leanne spotted a Wolf creeping up. The herd responded with a classic swarm defense.『29words』

28、And from analyses of the rationality and irrationality of herd behavior by the next period return, the conclusion is that herd behavior in China's open funds may be not true.『30words』

29、A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.『33words』

