

1、gender roles stereotypes『3words』

2、Grant dbcreator and sysadmin roles.『5words』

3、Those roles don't motivate me.『5words』

4、Choose people for different roles.『5words』

5、Enlisting spoke party in used roles...『6words』



6、Two SOA user roles are impacted『6words』

7、Well defined software lifecycle and deployment roles.『7words』

8、Retrieve all roles granted to user Justin.『7words』

9、RUP has many detailed roles and artifacts.『7words』

10、The roles listed above are just that, roles.『8words』



11、This defines usernames and passwords for two roles.『8words』

12、Haemocytes play important roles in crustacean immune responses.『8words』

13、Select the source roles, then the corresponding target roles.『9words』

14、Identification of enabling and sustaining functions, roles, and responsibilities.『9words』

15、These roles cover all the activities of the Test discipline.『10words』

16、Environ mental influences and social pressures also play complicated roles.『10words』

17、Connect constraint to constrained roles. Use when connected roles are mutually exclusive.『12words』

18、Even supporting roles, you must learn to play the leading role in supporting roles.『14words』

19、Each of these application roles aggregates a set of very specific portal access control roles.『15words』

20、The person may play other roles and, in those roles, may be part of effort estimation.『16words』



21、We play different roles in life, and we all have a duty to play these roles well.『17words』

22、Drag onto the page, then connect constraint to constrained roles. Use when connected roles are mutually exclusive.『17words』

23、Within the J2EE application, you can define and name security roles and constrain resource access based on those roles.『19words』

24、The Cube Server administrator, who manages roles and the assignment of users to roles, might have created roles in the Administration Console.『22words』

25、Each of us is born with multiple roles of family and society, and assumes the responsibilities of different stages as different roles.『22words』

26、Life is a big stage, you, me and he are playing different roles, and constantly changing roles. There are all kinds of interpersonal relationships between different roles.『27words』

27、It has four steps in the teaching public relations: the setting of classic scenes, allocating roles, putting roles into practice, and the discussing and summing-up of cases.『27words』

28、Once the above roles are mapped there are still a lot of roles like Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, User Experience specialists, etc which need to be mapped to Scrum roles.『30words』

29、Walking into the seaside, you will see a fishing boat slowly sailing into the harbour facing the sunset. The men, women, old and young, waiting on the shore, laughing and running to the fishing boat, loading the lively fish and shrimp into the basket and carrying them home.『48words』

